1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Not much to it really, I carved off the top of the hat with a scalpel until it was more bowler hat shape then re sculpted the top higher, using miliput.
Excuse the rough drawing:

I didn't actually cut through to the inside of the hat, just enough to take off the ridges and part of the front pinch.

Thanks for that,

I have 2 hats since I modded the spare, so, I should be ok if anything goes wrong.
Salvador Larocca did this with the bbkill Deckard and the last one is the enterbay I believe. Just had these pointed out to me by a friend on facebook




They look great!

The bbkill sculpt is a little rough, but it does look like him. And the Enterbay one looks pretty good too but he looks a bit chubby in the face, oddly enough.
They look great!

The bbkill sculpt is a little rough, but it does look like him. And the Enterbay one looks pretty good too but he looks a bit chubby in the face, oddly enough.

Exactly this. I was going to say precisely the same thing about each of them! I'll add that the fibrous hair also looks great.
The BBKill looks the best, the Medicom one, I believe it's their ANH sculpt, looks a bit on the small side to me. Enterbay's is an ROTJ produced in 'Ultimate Unison' with Medicom.
I had the same intention for the bbkill Deckard sculpt. Strange that it looks so rough there. But it makes a fine Indy.

I'd like to see some other pictures of the UU sculpt from other angles. It looks very realistic but not like Ford, at least in that pic. And the neck is way too thick for Ford at that age.
Sorry, I meant both versions, the sculpt in general compared to what Ford looks like as Indy. ;)
I gotcha bud. Yeah I think I'll wait and see how the new MJ12 sculpt comes out before deciding on a sculpt for my Indy. Doing all these has me wanting to do one for my collection now