So then the perfect Indy sculpt still eludes us....
I think all someone really needs to do is shrink down their MJ and it would be perfect, but it appears no one's given it a try yet.
So then the perfect Indy sculpt still eludes us....
Yeah it's a tough call. The MJ sculpt looks absolutely brilliant up close... but from a distance just looks a little too big and wonky for my taste. While the Inigou doesn't hold up as well up close, but looks really darn great, and much more Indy like, from a distance.
ExactlyI feel the exact opposite. I think the MJ sculpt looks in proportion, and the Inigou sculpt looks a tad small to my eye.
To me the MJ sculpt is perfect scale. Love both the MJ and Inigo.
Both sets of head sculpts and outfits are amazing. Definitely difficult to come up with the "perfect" combination.
I do see the issues being brought up with both sculpts (slightly too small vs slightly too big) and yet both have an incredible presence, regardless. Whatever is decided, you can't go wrong.
If I "had" to decide, I would lean towards MJ's sculpt with Yunsil's outfit.
Thats what I'm leaning towards too, thanks!
What is the deciding factor for you?
I'm sure she had her reasons, her jacket will need some heavy weathering before it looks totally right.