The ZC muscle body arrived yesterday that I'd ordered for Rick Grimes, and decided not to use because a narrow shoulder was perfect.
Seeing bmarz's photo of Indy in Digger disguise gave me the idea to finally get those parts out of the DX05 box. I've had the figure since it was released but never did anything with the extras.
Bit of a nightmare trying to work out how to get the head wrapping to imitate the actual thing, but I've used water to shape it.
A quick snap (the camera battery ran out - it no longer holds a charge for long!):
In reality I think it's the best this sculpt has looked, to echo earlier comments with reference to the same experience. It doesn't even resemble the dodgy looking face in my photo.

I don't know what it is about the framing of the material that transforms it into a usable sculpt.
Underneath it's Sideshow's ROTLA shirt, trousers and Aldens. With the boots, because I've already used the Pro 1.0 foot pegs I pushed blu tack into them and pressed a Lego technic piece inside. Then blu tack on the other end to push up into the leg.
SS TOD Indy has the ROTLA gasmask bag, so Digger Indy has to make do with the inferior SS TOD.