Despite his slower tempo these days, the only thing I'm looking forward to is another John Williams Indy score.
Put together another Indy Mock Up using my Yunsil/Inigo Smiling "Poster Indy"!View attachment 485555
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[emoji170][emoji1665][emoji171]I love seeing these pictures of your figures showcased like an upcoming release. The cool thing is with your being your actual figures and not the prototype no changes will be made to the figure you have.
Here's the other one with the Artists that contributed too.I'm glad you took the Sideshow off your art, Rzeznikk.
[emoji1][emoji1] Slowly working on them! Up to 12 now!Now you have to do that for all your figures. All.... 800 of them. [emoji38]
OCD needs consistency.
Very true! Didn't think of that! [emoji1]
I did take a liberty on this one though as I don't actually have the Ark (yet). One that I regrettably keep pushing off.
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If Ford were to play him more like the gruff badass we saw in the Blade Runner sequel, then I'd be all for it. But if it's just going to be the sappy, out of touch old fart we saw in Indy 4 again, then no thanks.
After any Indy belts, bags, hands, weapons etc in case anyone has any ?spare?. Thanks.
as luck would have it, i have a dx05 that is almost complete that i'm gonna be parting out and tossing the parts on evilbay in the next day or so... i'll post up all the individual pics of the parts i'm going to list tomorrow if i get a chance to pull them out.
Looks good. I have seen some repaints of that sculpt and the older one and they hold up well.