Has anyone purchased a web belt and or belt from full metal customs? If so, any pics on Indy? Thx
They have figured it out in a way. David gets the item and ships it to his brother in the US who then ships it to customers in the US. Your right bud I have both I was the one who had the web belt made after all. Lol the leather belt was someone else.I think maybe Luis has the web belt. Are they shipping during the pandemic? Thought they were having some issue in that regard.
New Indy movie coming 2022!
What's he doing, searching for his dentures in a care home!?
They used that line already in Last Crusade. If they thought he was old in 1989... my god, that was 30 years ago -- a new actor could have been born in 1989 and be ripe to play Indy now.