Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.

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Thanks! Looks slightly oversized below. Although, it's possibly in scale with his giant holster. Ha ha.
View attachment 483452
It could be slightly smallish, I dunno. It was way back in 2005; I got the dimensions for it from a 1:1 replica then scaled them down and eyeballed things. But it does make a nice display. Just need to be careful not to open it, at least not with eyes opened.
Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.
Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.
Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.
Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.
Awesome shot, Comatoast!
Picked up a heat gun, per recommendation of davejames and had fun messing with some Indy gear. Gave some shape to the Sideshow TOD hat and made the regular TOD whip coiled up, which looks a little more realistic than the pre-coiled up one.
Had a challenge to shoot some toy portraits and Indy was a big request. This is my Yunsil, Inigo/Rahmier Indy.
Wow, you did a great job on those! The hat and whip look perfect. Need to check into getting a heat gun.
Wow, that whip looks fantastic TonTon! Not sure why they made the other one so damn round.
Great looking whip, TonTon!
As far as those pants pictured, the Iris one wins by a mile, in my opinion. Color and cut seems near perfect to me.
I've just acquired some nice clothing and accessories to add to my collection, including a Sovereign jacket.