Where is the thread regarding Luke head?
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[JNIX] 1/6 ANH Luke custom head sculpt - Modifying!!
Sent from the Bat Cave
Where is the thread regarding Luke head?
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As I just posted in the other thread, I bought an unpainted head on the first run, but have done nothing with it while I've been focusing on other 1:6 projects (and my new baby) I've decided that if I get a tempting offer I will part with it.
I noticed the neck of my Han figure was getting damaged from the head sculpt. Does anyone have experience with this and have any recommendations to prevent that? I was thinking of adding some kind of small felt padding.
Excellent lighting and photo man but that neck!
Cool pic, Comatoast. Inspired me to put the sculpt on the stormtrooper for a few shots.
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View attachment 295908
I have to admit... my mind boggles when people say this doesn't look like Harrison Ford, 1977, Han Solo.