1:6 Ki Adi Mundi ASAP!!

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I like the idea of the eye patch, but think he would really need the rest of the outfit for that to work.

If they did Ki, I imagine it would be something along the lines of Kit Fisto's exclusive accessory (which I didn't care for at all).
While I also would like to see Tinn first (I'm really wanting to create a display of "The Arrest:)), I'd welcome this Jedi to the collection.

As for exclusives and/or accessories, I'd like to see Sideshow pay homage to Mundi's many great turns in the DH comics. One of his best was "Outlander"...


This story appeared shortly after "Episode One" and along with Mundi, featured the introduction of EU fan favorite Ashared Hett (another excellent future figure from Sideshow...please!) and an interesting take on Tusken Raider society. It's a great read...

As shown on this cover showing Mundi facing off a Krayt Dragon on Tatooine, Mundi sported some interesting desert gear that offers up some great accessory/exclusive possibilities...the hat/headgear, a rebreather mask, and a protective cloak. Any of these would be as "legit" an accessory as the concept-double saber gauntlet that was featured with Plo Koon.

Yes...Ki Adi Mundi would be a great candidate for the Sideshow treatment! More Jedi please...
i could go for the cool hat... but unfortunately it would alienate many people and only diehard fans would know where it was from. but then again that was the same for the plo koon exclusive too.
We all know who the next PT Jedi needs to be but Mundi is up there for figures I really want.
Ki-Adi Mundi and Sassee Tinn are both locks for this line, they are the quirky but awesome looking aliens that SSC loves to do in the same respect of Plo Koon and Kit Fisto. I wouldn't be surprised if Mundi came next in terms of secondary Jedi. As for exclusives maybe they can take a page from the Book of Koon and give us an alternate Head sculpt with Eyepatch:


I'd buy this guy--- but please... no more exclusives that come from EU--- give us something that was actually in the films.
I'd buy this guy--- but please... no more exclusives that come from EU--- give us something that was actually in the films.

It's a nice thought, but some characters just leave limited choices for Exclusives. Ki Adi was in the films so little, there is hardly anything to make for exclusive from the films. He had his lightsaber and his clothes, that's it, he didn't come into contact with anything that could be made exclusive, and Kit Fisto already covered the battle droid part. I don't follow Ki Adi much, so the only exclusive possiblity in the films I could see is if his lightsaber changed any between films, otherwise you'll have to dip into the EU or make something up like Anakin's Sidious hologram.
I can still wait a looooooong time for Ki Adi Mundi. In fact, I won't miss him if SSC never makes one. It's time for Bespin Lando!

Agreed! Lando, followed by Bespin Leia would make for a nice setup with Han and the forthcoming Luke. Honestly, I hope Sideshow's OT figure streak continues for quite a while. If and when they do announce a new PT jedi, I hope it's TPM Obi-Wan so I can complete my Duel of the fates display.
What about from his death scene in ROTS? Was he wearing anything different there? I can't remember?
Yup. You were right. He is in his normal duds... With all that ash flying around, you'd think he would have had a breather mask on or something... I guess had he not been shot to death he probably would have died of cancer a few later. :p