How does it compare to a hot toys figure. That's the only thing I'm used to
For those who have it already, can the neck move at all? I thought there was supposed to be a ball joint at the base of the neck, but I strained it and it didn't move, I was afraid I'd break it with more effort. Thanks for any answers!
Thanks very much for the info. I wish I asked before I tried to move it haha, but I don't think I damaged it.No. The neck is not articulated. The torso and neck are all one piece.
Thanks very much for the info. I wish I asked before I tried to move it haha, but I don't think I damaged it.
Great figure, I'll post pics if I can. Now just waiting for Kick-Ass himself! (I guess no hope for Big Daddy once again, his picture is even removed from the movie poster on the box lol)