1/6 Nolanverse Nightwing - Ideas Thread

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Super Freak
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Karachi, Pakistan
Hey guys,

So i'm a huge fan of the Nightwing character, and also as anyone who knows me, a Nolan Bats fanboy :lol

So i'm looking to build a 1/6 Nightwing as he may appear in the Nolanverse (I don't buy the rumours that JGL is Nightwing in TDKR, but it'd be awesome if he was :lol)

So far I just have Kato's amazing jumpsuit on a Royce body, and just slapped on the Begins gauntlets, boots and belt on it just to have a feel for what it'd look like - looks great so far I think.

Now I need ideas for
1. How to do the logo (apparently painting this material is difficult and decals also don't stick well to it)
2. Headsculpt ideas
3. Anything else? Accessories?




Looks like Batman, not Nightwing. :dunno

As for a logo, cut it out of whatever color you want of pleather and glue it on.

Head? Dicaprio.

Ditch the Batman gauntlets and belt.
Yeah I'm gonna use different gauntlets, these look too much like Batman indeed, just wanted to give the feel for what gauntlets would look like.

Pleather - good idea, i'll see if I can find some in a suitable blue.
Dicaprio head - interesting, possible.
Belt - would like to use an alternative yeah, not sure what yet.

Thanks for the feedback!
Well, instead of Dicrapio, how about that "Out-A-Time Kid" one instead. That would be unique.
Heh - could look pretty cool, plus I need an excuse to buy a Trev sculpt haha

Only concern would be the body may look too buff on a kiddy face like that.

Speaking of Trev... there's another sculpt of his I love which i've been looking for an excuse to buy... hmmm
wow what a cool idea! I love that suit! But yeah the gaunlets have to go. But the belt looks great IMO and so do the boots. If it's between Mcfly and Dicaprio, I pick Dicaprio. I think he fits the character better. And didn't Nolan say he would never give Batman a sidekick because he thought it was well fruity? Or was that strictly towards robbin?
I think Robin would be fruity, but a mature Nightwing, in his early twenties (as opposed to a 15 yr old Robin) would fit in his world IMO

Thanks for the thoughts.

I'm gonna look around for other headsculpt options for a bit as i'm in no rush
yeah Nightwing is also just a much Darker character. Robin is too um colorful for the "Nolanverse." but ya take your time, you don't want to rush something that can come out so awesome! That Pleather thing is a good idea too.
For weapons, use the dx04 bruce lee long fighting rods (the black ones) and just paint it blue.

Ask seb for ideas. Hes the man when it comes to making custom figures.

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I think the New goblin/James Franco sculpt would look pretty good, or maybe your looking to use a brand new custom sculpt?
Maybe some blue body armour rather than just a logo? You could have it like the punisher with the logo sprayed on with runs in the paint. Dunno :lol
Nightwing is my fav character too from the Batman mythos and I was kinda thrilled after Battle for The Cowl, Prodigal was too short a tenure IMO for ____ Grayson

I think the Bruce Lee body will work better as he is more acrobatic and lithe compared to Bruce. For Bale as Batman I think you need someone cocky, wisecracking but somehow intense as a foil. James Franco's hs from New Goblin should be great, specially a repaint, A look like this

IMO is ideal... also I dont think Nolan's Nightwing would be 'endorsed' by Batman so his gear sgould be more motely, cobbled (amateur/ shades of kick ass) Nightwing should be like a more brutal vigilante in Nolanverse. Someone who is inspired by Batman but doesnt wear his mask or 'hockey pads' Could be 'the kid' from the Narrows who first met batman during 'Begins' :wink1:

I would expect his mask to be more like Batman's 'first night out balaclava' no kid picks up a 'mask/eyeline mask' and expect NOT to be recognised. (In my vision of Nolan Verse) Or maybe wear like a Zorro style mask/bandana/cloth headgear

Because of this I suggest giving him no insignia, or if necessary a 'spray painted' insignia with paint running etc etc

sorry too many ideas :lol you can see Nightwing is a fav charcter of mine...
Nightwing is my fav character too from the Batman mythos and I was kinda thrilled after Battle for The Cowl, Prodigal was too short a tenure IMO for ____ Grayson

I think the Bruce Lee body will work better as he is more acrobatic and lithe compared to Bruce. For Bale as Batman I think you need someone cocky, wisecracking but somehow intense as a foil. James Franco's hs from New Goblin should be great, specially a repaint, A look like this

IMO is ideal... also I dont think Nolan's Nightwing would be 'endorsed' by Batman so his gear sgould be more motely, cobbled (amateur/ shades of kick ass) Nightwing should be like a more brutal vigilante in Nolanverse. Someone who is inspired by Batman but doesnt wear his mask or 'hockey pads' Could be 'the kid' from the Narrows who first met batman during 'Begins' :wink1:

I would expect his mask to be more like Batman's 'first night out balaclava' no kid picks up a 'mask/eyeline mask' and expect NOT to be recognised. (In my vision of Nolan Verse) Or maybe wear like a Zorro style mask/bandana/cloth headgear

Because of this I suggest giving him no insignia, or if necessary a 'spray painted' insignia with paint running etc etc

sorry too many ideas :lol you can see Nightwing is a fav charcter of mine...[/quote]

Some good ideas here! :clap:
Nightwing is my fav character too from the Batman mythos and I was kinda thrilled after Battle for The Cowl, Prodigal was too short a tenure IMO for ____ Grayson

I stopped buying the comics a couple of yrs ago... just got all too silly with Batman dying and then coming back etc etc

I think the Bruce Lee body will work better as he is more acrobatic and lithe compared to Bruce. For Bale as Batman I think you need someone cocky, wisecracking but somehow intense as a foil. James Franco's hs from New Goblin should be great, specially a repaint, A look like this

BL body could be great and I agree it's physique is probably more appropriate. Hopefully it fits decently with the jumpsuit + i'll need to locate one and buy it...

Someone who is inspired by Batman but doesnt wear his mask or 'hockey pads' Could be 'the kid' from the Narrows who first met batman during 'Begins' :wink1:

I would expect his mask to be more like Batman's 'first night out balaclava' no kid picks up a 'mask/eyeline mask' and expect NOT to be recognised. (In my vision of Nolan Verse) Or maybe wear like a Zorro style mask/bandana/cloth headgear

While I agree - I'm also trying to make this 'cool' looking so a zorro/baclava type mask would simply not look as cool as the traditional Nightwing mask.

I guess I want to go for a mix of comic/Nolanverse, so I do want the nightwing blue V across the chest and back and the blue line running down the arms. A dark, mute blue, basically the TDK blue.

James Franco with dark, longer hair could work.
Hot about Face-paint instead of a mask? :wink1:
maybe try a phantom of the opera style mask. You know, make the criminals scary. Or honesty a pair of visors or thick goggles would be more appropriate for the 'grunge' look...

Personally for Nolanverse I see Nightwing MORE like the 'Nite-Wing' punk from his solo series...