Super Freak
chalkyYT that's a nice looking Dietrich!
FINALLY! Got ole Dietrich done.
Have had the parts (or most of them, the new shoulder boards and pips, etc., are newer) for years now. Took me forever to get to the head, which sat forever alongside others, but when Sallah got done, I thought, finish this guy. What was left to do, was the insignia stuff and shoulders. Took me ages to get back to, but he's done. Made the hat insignia with a spare button from his coat that wasn't needed, the eagle from an old 21st Century Afrika Corp guy, and a button I turned into the German color button below the eagle.
Was lucky on the hands. Used a SS buck body, and trimmed the wrists so the HT hands would fit, and just painted them, and painted the boots, etc. and the rest was all in hand.
Hope he passes muster. Thanks again to Vartal for the head.
Great stuff, Les! I'm gonna have to grab the Vartal headsculpt soon. Been working on a melty/imploding Dietrich head just gotta find the time to sit down and finish it.