1:6 Rancor, anyone?

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Archbishop of Bologna!!!
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
SF Bay Area, California, USA
Now that it's been demonstrated that thousands of people are willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for hug, slimy, sixth-scale things, I have a question:

Who's ready for a 1:6 Rancor?

I know, I know; at first it sounds absolutely nuts, it would be far too big. However, after observing the Gentle Giant Rancor's size in comparison with his keeper, I think it could be done.


I would not mind it so much if Sideshow fudged the total size a little bit; a 24" Rancor would be plenty huge and menacing, and it might be possible to do it as a rotocast figure; the 1:4 Darkness (from Legend) and the 1:12 Balrog siggest that a similarly huge, detailed creature could be pulled off in the medium without being ridculously heavy or expensive.

So, your thoughts?
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This has been brought up before. At length. However, I have changed my stance on this idea. A. Doable. B. Would be extremely cool. C. I'd shell out the $$$.
No thanks. I have the GG Rancor, and I don't have room for that. I couldn't imagine having a 1/6 version. But no doubt people would but it.
I would be scared about the cost of the figure. This thing would be HUGE. Many people still don't realize how big Jabba and his throne are. A Rancor could possibly be possible, but I hope not for at lesat a few years. :eek:
I'd get this in a heartbeat! It would rank as one of the coolest items of this scale ever done IMO.
This thing would frighten potential prowlers for sure. I'm in! :lol

In all seriousness, I would be interested to see how this could be pulled off.
I kept telling myself Sideshow wouldn't make Jabba for SDCC... at least for a couple of years. Guess what? They did. After Jabba, nothing would surprise me now. We are getting the holo chess set, does that mean droids and/or chewie are coming too? I wouldn't doubt it. Toy Fair should be interesting.
Yes, you were staunchly against a 1/6 Rancor if I remember. I think you said over your dead body would anything as stupid and frivolous as a Rancor that could crush a small dog be produced!

I have the GG Rancor and it is impressive and looks so real. My dog barked at it for an entire week. I can't imagine how cool one from SS would be. I think it would be very popular.
Big? Ridiculous? Too much? NO SUCH THING! I want this sooo hard, I want it! I don't want a statue, I want a gigantic hunk of plastic as big as my desk of the Rancor! I'd easily pay the price, it's awesome! I don't even have any of the Jabba things to match it, but who cares? NOT ME! I'd get 2 and post them on my roof as Gargoyles! :emperor
I'd set him up to cradle one of my cats. Aww, so cute!!!

How about an exclusive Gammorean arm that fits in his mouth!! He'd also have to come with some bones and the skull that ended his sad life. And of couse, we'd have to get Malakili for him. I don;t know why, but I always dug that figure.