My Imperial Deathstar Power Droid (Gonk #2) with his MSE Droid buddy... and sidekick
Went for the Kenner-inspired colorway; keeping it a glossy clean dark metallic blue with red & black details, and a light grey stripe. Also added red and flashing yellow LEDs.
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looks crazy good man! Great work on the paint and lights!
That is great. Love the extra greeblings too. I had delusions of grandeur with this as my first attempt at a kit (or any custom at all really). Long story short, watch those trimming knives. Had surgery yesterday to reattach the nerve I severed. I'd still love to add some LED's like above. Love the Kenner look. Gonk was always one of my favourite Kenner figs. I've got the gentle giant jumbo Kenner Gonk and love it. Where is the switch and I take it they are battery powered?
Great job- love the paint job and lights!
My Imperial Deathstar Power Droid (Gonk #2) with his MSE Droid buddy... and sidekick
Went for the Kenner-inspired colorway; keeping it a glossy clean dark metallic blue with red & black details, and a light grey stripe. Also added red and flashing yellow LEDs.
View attachment 447453
DAMN D.R. 37 that is just SUPERB!!!
Ok so this is my first attempt at my own custom (using Rustyj's kit). It's taught me a lot. How not to use a knifeHow sucky my paint skills are (that resin was a pain to paint). How bloody expensive it is to get everything (and still need more). How to give up fancy ideas (for now) and try and get the basics right. How much more I admire the customising community and what it achieves.
So here is my Gonk. I went for classic Kenner blue with black highlights. Next time I wouldn't use the gloss. I hope it doesn't burn out too many eyes.