When will we ever see a price for this ? That's not how you do business imo.
Thank you, Hoody, for your candid feedback it is always welcomed.
I fully understand your frustration

and everyone?s patience is very much appreciated as always, we all knew that this was never going to be a quick build as there has been numerous changes requested from you guys, improvements from me, moulds remade as I wasn't happy with the quality and so on.
Additionally this isn't my regular occupation or profession so isn?t in all essence of the term a business so doesn't function as one would expect.
I do not earn a living nor have I any desire to get rich from it and is purely a hobby which I am extremely good at I love doing in my spare time.
I very rarely take deposits because I can never fully commit to completion times as a result of my extremely demanding career in the medical imaging sector. (In excess of 70hours per week on some occasions)and provide 24hours on-call in emergencies.
The problem I have is spare time and the lack of it, I have never failed to finish a build and you all know it will be of the very highest of quality, finish and will be well worth the wait.
I have the last ?big Build? on the bench to finish off for Big Chief Studios in time for ComiCon before the Landspeeder can get my full attention.
I am especially bad at pricing and would in reality give stuff away for nothing, so Pete is the brains and looks after that bit as I can?t be trusted

I really wanted to show the finished build in all its glory, however all being well the Landspeder will be 700 + shipping (GBP)