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I didnt dare to ask him for 10 $42 invoices from the remaining $420 I had on Inart Aragorn (I payed $140 as the first instalment), but who knows what he finds as sensible and what as ridiculous. :D
If he won’t do that, I’ll just set that amount aside each month just coz It’ll make me feel assured that, whenever the balance payment is due, it won’t sting so hard.
PO window closes today so, time to start tearing this thing apart!

There’s actually surprising little to complain about.

Top row- Actual costume, Premium Sideshow Statue, Weta Classic series
Bottom Row- Weta, Siberian Customs, Diamond Select

As Neko pointed out previously, it appears that one layer of the torso armour is definitely missing and what is there is angled too horizontally.

This old photo from the NZ premier Actually captures the Uruk scout armour design very clearly.

From this, we can see there are 5 overlapping rows of torso armour, which segment below the chest into pairs to mimic abs, with the uppermost section seemingly being made of leather.

This top area needs the most work of SC’s figure as, adding another metal ab piece is simple.

I’d recommend studying the Premium Format Figure for the best reference of what material should be used and where.

I’ll await any feedback here before presenting my case to the man himself.
I talked to Siberian on Facebook and he said no changes will be made. Bummer but still an awesome looking figure until InArt does one.
Nope. Just occasional production updates on Siberian's Instgram.

He's much more focused on his Jack Slater figure at the moment, which has a very poorly advised, fixed side-stare and look of perpetual disdain.
which has a very poorly advised, fixed side-stare and look of perpetual disdain.

Did y'all take a vote on that?

I hate custom runs. :lol

The wait, the misinformation, the run gets derailed by the two loudest voices, delays, no communication... and the piece rarely comes out so good you never need an upgrade. I like it better when an artist just offers up his wares in a small batch for sale.
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Just received one of my InArt Aragorns as well so the Amon Hen showdown will soon be complete!

Plus I can now decide whether I’ll sell of Weta Lurtz or this.
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