wow not bad. Will probably order down the road. Want to see the finished ACI version first
And out by the end of the year it says. Is Star Ace reliable with release estimates?
I'm gonna order for sure....does the helmet seem like it sits a little high on the head to anyone else? Not a big deal for an overall killer figure
Ah, good observation...maybe it can be pushed down more. Hopefully they can tweak it still because I agree the yelling face is a bit off and I would have liked the cut over the eye...but you can't have everything I guess. I'm also wondering why every pic holding the spear is using the relaxed hands with the spear looking like its glued to the palmIt looks good on the neutral sculpt, but it seems to be getting caught on the screaming sculpts left ear. Pretty great looking figure, but the face of the screamer looks a bit pushed in or something.
Definitely getting it, since the HT is one of my grail figures and now way out of my price range.
I had a hard time finding this thread because I was looking for the Jerry Lewis 1/6 scale discussion.