Insufferable S.O.B.
Ah yea with the obvious cgi mist covering her nips.
Selene is a huge let down. Viktor looks good still. If she looked as good as he does, I would pick up both. As of now, both a pass.
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Don't give up hope yet, let's wait for Michael's review pics before panicking.
Underworld turns into Resident Evil. every next is dumber and made only to feature the main girl again, even when she's not a girl for several decades already.
Yeah to hell with older women kicking ass right?!
Yeah to hell with older women kicking ass right?!
he just sarcastically answered to my post about making more and more ****** movies with less and less plot just for a little extra money, thus ruining the whole idea and humiliating the actor who, like a circus animal, has to repeat everything he/she did 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago. Resident Evil, Underworld, Terminator...I think you missed the point. It is a cash in movie; but as far as older women kicking ass, I hope they explain why she ages.
All movies like this are money grabs and you simply would not be bringing up the age thing if it were a guy. I also do not reckon that they will work her 'aging' into the story line. As looking at the posters and everything, the studio clearly feels she looks just fine and plenty hot...which she does.