1/6th snowtrooper custom

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Dealer of Death
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
well this is my second snowy i've done.............and i would have put it onto an existing thread but that was posted in the sw section before we got our own custom section............so here goes......

basically took a hasbro figure and did some major upgrading"

body: modified marmit......(i really dig the shoulder slope, shoulder armor fits great)
head:......not shown,(still have to repaint), is the ultimate jango fett.....that was a tricky mod on the marmit body.
armor: hasbro snowtrooper...............totally repainted
boots: hasbro snowtrooper......but modified with straps (elastic)........i'm open to those boots hurricane made if anyne could secure a pair for casting.
jacket:......german snow jacket i got from toy anxiety
pants: i think they were an extra pair of HT terminator pants that i painted white, not sure.
hands/gloves: sideshow sandtrooper.......repainted
blaster: sideshow.......camouflaged whitish color
waist skirt: handmade from pattern of the hasbro one
helmet cloth: replaced and made pattern from original
binocs: a cast from chakaman.............yes.......high five buddy !!!!
base: ssc but added some "rocks" & snow
i made a shelter/cover rolled above backpack just because i thought it would look kinda cool. like he's a long range scout or something.
anyway, i plan on making him a long rifle similar to the original hasbro 3 3/4" weapon & add a few tools like a snow mountain climbing gear, pick axe, rope, & various doo dads.
so he's still kind of a work in progress but there's enough of him done to show.










well, thats it for now until i add some bits & repaint the head & i will update as that gets done.
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I'm always not too critical when judging an OT trooper cause I simply love those guys!
But you really have some great stuff done to this fellow; you're right about the shoulders, a bit less muscles do look better on those bells! Plus I love the white cargo look of the pants, love the binocs (already asked Lopie, must answer him on this) and some more details but what I really admire is the idea of the plate roll on the backpack. Will use that on mine, too (must add (c) Barryo then) ...
Great Trooper there Barryo ! I've said it before , I never get bored of Snowtrooper customs . For a design with so little screen time , they sure do capture the imagination of customizers !:clap
thanks guys.........:)

i love the cleaner look of the trooper so i may go back to my first one i did & clean him up.

yea, he needs to be re-done for sure.
Very cool! I'm actually diggin that base more than the figure. :lol I love the white snowish look with the rocks. :rock
Hey how'd you do the back pack? Very well done by the way!

the backpack or bed roll?
the back pack i dremmled off the inner connection part and added straps that fit on the shoulder armor with small hook/clasps.

the "bedroll" is just a piece of cloth rolled up & tied with elastic,which is then just tied to the backpack straps.

does that answer your question?........oh and thanks.
The clean look is the way to go - makes me think of this guy rappelling down cliffs of ice, trekking across snowy tundras, biting into a York Peppermint Patty, all that jazz. Love the idea of a more "realistic" EU take with the roll and the tools and other bits you want to add, the kind of stuff an actual soldier would want serving out in the field in freezing conditions...maybe Lucas should have gone in that direction?
update to the snowy:
i added a rope & grapple hook (treble hook dremmeled down)
ice pick axe
radio comm set
and i customized a mini cannon from the at-st chin gun (the firing one) & it works.
i was kind of inspired by the master hemble as i've always marveled at what he comes up with & how his figures tell a story. movie accurate? nope, but i wanted to give him a look of what Khonsu70 alluded to. anyway.........









now onto building a sled pulled by taun tauns.........................................(not)