there is no such thing as a T-900. it's not real.
Before this new movie, I would have agreed, but since there is now a 700, giving us a total of 600, 700, 800, and 1000, why not a 900.
Yeah, its origins are from a video game, but it has some merit. Consider that it is basically the male version of the T-X.
I already hate the 600 being gigantic. The only difference between it and the 800 is supposed to be rubber skin. I hate that they made 700s when Kyle Reese never bothered to mention them. "The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy. But these are new. They look human. Oh, and BTW, there were these 700s that some hack came up with, but John Connor dusted them easy."
I didn't love T3, but I did very much like the T-X. So, since I'm getting 600s and 700s because they make awesome Hot Toys figures, and would love for Hot Toys to make the T-X, I would definitely buy the 900 as long as it looked as cool and lit up red like in the game, not that I give a poo about the game.
T-70 would be kinda cool, even though that attraction is as lame as it is cool. Isn't the 600 basically the same thing though?