They already did in DMTNT.
Jack's a bum who trades his magical compass for a bottle of rum, his best friend and crew hate him, he doesn't care about the Pearl when it seems like it's forever lost to the sea and that ship is supposed to be the thing he loves most in life. The best pirate the world has ever seen, who's supposed to come up with ingenious escape plans and always manages to trick his enemies, spends the entire movie being saved by supporting characters or being the butt of a joke. You even get an uncanny valley de-aged CGI Depp in a young Jack flashback like you do with Indy in DOD.
Will is cursed for some reason and it's implied the crew of the Dutchman don't allow him, the captain, to have his son come aboard. He is in possession of the most fearsome ship in the seas in never aids his son or former comrades when they're up against Salazar.
Elizabeth decided to ditch the Pirate Lord title and all her character development to start wearing corsets again, she doesn't even speak one word in the 1 minute she's on screen.
I think DMTNT is more enjoyable than the previous film but it is by far the one I dislike the most, because the script doesn't know what made the original Verbinski trilogy special and it doesn't understand any of the lore or characters, especially Jack.
I like the de-age sequence even if it's got the uncanny valley thing going on.
I enjoy all the POTC films even with whatever issues, thanks to the quality of the actors, sets, costumes, etc. At the time, I believe there was going to be, or some talk/rumor from Disney of kind of re-booting the POTC franchise with this "female Jack Sparrow-ish" character. An idea that was justifiably trashed by fans

and fizzled and died. Thank the sea gawds or there'd be another Indy fail.
Meanwhile my female KO Jack Sparrow-ish BBK Sophia fig came in. While she's more "doll" I think more than "action figure" - or at least has the plain face paint that's more "doll" - sometimes it's fun to have something to kitbash. Amusingly her knife and sword are either the same as HTs or exact duplicates. Go figure HER knife is metal as is the nice telescope. Sword is plastic. I'll try to get some pics up in the General section after I open the "War Story 1/6 Pirate Display Base". (Which as bases go, looks like it was made for a girly fig

but think it will be amusing for Jack with some tweaks.)
Of course there was the guy who did a custom base for the Pearl way back (
but that's out of my league, for now. Not that the new base sucks, it looks great IMO

. As far as the wheel sliding around in the base slots, poster tac is my friend. Or even some of those rubber/felt furniture leg pads. (It's better than this "barbarian warrior" stand I picket up for a Boba fig where the crotch grabber just falls over.

Not sure what I'll do with the hat issue. Like, it's easy enough to add some sort of gripper lining. But in Jedha's vid it looks enormous, in general. Before I pay 100$ for a hat, I'll just borrow from my other Jacks.