Spenser is sending me a sample casting for approval, and if all is good, as I expect from our talented friend, casting will be underway. As for an update on the rest:
The Mare's Leg and Banjo are being cast as we speak. There had been a delay because my caster has been traveling out of state for his career job. The holsters will be done quickly after that along with the banjo strap. The t-shirt pattern has been made, but is being tweaked.
The necklaces should be pretty quick. It's just a matter of going on a hunt for the right beads/etc.
That should be it for now. May do a few other accessories after the fact, but this covers his more difficult items. Regardless, any and all accessories will go up for sale the second they're done. We're not going to put together kits like we did with Max because the parts don't get finished at the same time. No need to worry about sell outs though, we'll make more if they do. Also, remember these will be unfinished items meaning they'll need to be painted. I do have a local guy that might start painting accessories for us, and he's going to do a test run on a few of the Mare's Legs when they're ready. Will of course post pics as there's something to show.