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Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Pick it up from the postal office yesterday. All I can say is that this figure has forever spoiled me with its articulation. There isn't a pose I haven't been able to achieve. Wish we could get a Spider-Man figure with articulation like this.





Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Pick it up from the postal office yesterday. All I can say is that this figure has forever spoiled me with its articulation. There isn't a pose I haven't been able to achieve. Wish we could get a Spider-Man figure with articulation like this.

Unless 1/6 companies can come up with a fabric that would be worry-free and won't hinder articulation, even using this synthetic human as a base body won't make it as articulated as this naked, or at least like the 18" Toy BIz Spidey from 10 years ago.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Depends on the price of these bootlegs i say it might be well worthy if it's under $50.

Other than the paint apps, looks 90% close, and thanks to their website pointing out the difference, the bootleggers can improve their product line and the buyers can touch up so it looks more similar, but for normal folks like me, i probably can't tell the difference.

I thought there was quite a lot of difference.

1, Paint rubs off when posed/touched
2, Mask does not fit
3, Eyes dont move and head is sealed
4, Loose joints
5, Original uses PA plastics bootleg does not.

Might look close but the whole point to this figure is its endless poses and great balance, if you cant do that without the paint coming off or it getting loose then whats the point.
Its a bit like bootleg Nikes, look great but last about 5 minutes before they fall apart :rotfl
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

screw the bootlegs. just makes it harder for those wanting to find a legit one now.

great pics/poses Hologram AI! :clap

got mine, so great. detail is insane. havent got him out yet been busy with another fig that came in the same day but will do asap.

weathered/scuffed around bottom of box is cool!
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

screw the bootlegs. just makes it harder for those wanting to find a legit one now.

The pics make it easy to know what's a bootleg and what isn't.
But i for one would happily pick up the bootleg if it were cheap enough since 1000Toys aren't going to make any more.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

The pics make it easy to know what's a bootleg and what isn't.
But i for one would happily pick up the bootleg if it were cheap enough since 1000Toys aren't going to make any more.

well yeah if the seller is providing detailed pics of the figure sure, but most of the time on auction sites like the bay they dont.

of course 1000toys will make more, word is the next fig(Indra) will use the synthetic as the base body and still have a removable faceplate. no way they tooled that bod just for 2 releases, they are goin to get much use out of it no doubt i think.

they prolly wont release another bare bones ver like the two out now but if you get indra remove his gear then.. you will have one.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

All i know is that i messaged them to ask when the next variant is coming out and they said they won't be selling that figure again.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

All i know is that i messaged them to ask when the next variant is coming out and they said they won't be selling that figure again.

yeah they wont be selling a bare bones version again. next one will have clothing, diff faceplate with hair but on same base body i think. im sure we will get confirmation of that via the latest q+a they did but via talk by them at sdcc Indra will use same base body. there was even a pic of indra w/o faceplate and hair, looked exact same as these.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Depends on the price of these bootlegs i say it might be well worthy if it's under $50.

Other than the paint apps, looks 90% close, and thanks to their website pointing out the difference, the bootleggers can improve their product line and the buyers can touch up so it looks more similar, but for normal folks like me, i probably can't tell the difference.

Just a reminder to everyone - supporting bootleg product is incredibly bad for the hobby and you.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Just a reminder to everyone - supporting bootleg product is incredibly bad for the hobby and you.

so if you want something real bad and willing to pay the price for it but the producers simply refuse to make more just to keep their products demands & hypes up, you gonna pay scalper price for it or try to kill off your urge with something else?

unless it's something widely available in the market like games & movies, even bootleg paintings can be highly sought after because there's usually only 1 originals and unless the owner decides to make licensed replicas off them, chances for both you and me owning the same painting is pretty much impossible unless it's husband & wife, or husband & husband.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

most seller that don't show actual product pics are dodgy sellers, just look at HT RE4 Leon before the bootlegs went official, most uses only HT
advert pictures.

but like i said before, there is no reason for 1000 toys not to reproduce the synthetic humans, since they only need to pay the factories for additional runs, it'd be something like HT TT Bare base bodies. they just refuse to do so to keep the volume down, value up, & hype up so everyone who is on the sideline will have no choice but to jump on the preorder boat so that they won't miss the release like they did on the synthetic.

well i won't be on the next boat obviously. i don't support such companies that depend on hypes. Be it Apple, HT, Air Jordan retros or 1000 Toys, sure their products are great but they are also encouraging unhealthy spending & encouraging scalping, which i'm against. i have the money, there's demand for it, why purposely cut the product volume to make supporters lose sleep over it? no thanks.

well yeah if the seller is providing detailed pics of the figure sure, but most of the time on auction sites like the bay they dont.

of course 1000toys will make more, word is the next fig(Indra) will use the synthetic as the base body and still have a removable faceplate. no way they tooled that bod just for 2 releases, they are goin to get much use out of it no doubt i think.

they prolly wont release another bare bones ver like the two out now but if you get indra remove his gear then.. you will have one.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

from the looks, it's 90% close. unless you have both original & bootlegs side by side, you probably can't tell much difference.

i never knew it had movable eyes until some folks here pointed it out.

The mask can be made fit with simple mods like trimming, most probably it's the pegs causing the fit issue.
The Loose joints can be easily fixed additional glue coating or blutacs.
If you are serious about the PA plastics you can probably get those Gundam model parts to replace the joints.
Only big issue would be the paint, but i never have one so i can't say whether it's true the paint just rubs off like that, from the pictures it looks like it's intentionally scratched.

Most people are amazed with the poseability, i don't know how well the bootleg mimics the poseability other than the problem with loose joints, but 1 thing i can tell is most of us probably just play with it when we 1st got it and leave it there with simple pose. Sure the guy can stand on 1 foot but i doubt folks would wanna leave it at such high risk pose, it can topple, the joints might get weaken over time.

But what amazes me is that the Limited edition seems to be everywhere on ebay, but non of the originals are to be seen. But if i have both editions i would keep the limited editions and sell off the originals, and maybe purchase a bootleg if the price is good.

Remember Shoes, Handbags, shirts etc, unless it's from the original factory, it's impossible to reproduce anything close to 95% since they rely on eye judgement & measurements & also skills, for solid items, it's much easier to make molds & recast them, and once you make enough volumes, you can cut down the price.

I thought there was quite a lot of difference.

1, Paint rubs off when posed/touched
2, Mask does not fit
3, Eyes dont move and head is sealed
4, Loose joints
5, Original uses PA plastics bootleg does not.

Might look close but the whole point to this figure is its endless poses and great balance, if you cant do that without the paint coming off or it getting loose then whats the point.
Its a bit like bootleg Nikes, look great but last about 5 minutes before they fall apart :rotfl
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

most seller that don't show actual product pics are dodgy sellers, just look at HT RE4 Leon before the bootlegs went official, most uses only HT
advert pictures.

but like i said before, there is no reason for 1000 toys not to reproduce the synthetic humans, since they only need to pay the factories for additional runs, it'd be something like HT TT Bare base bodies. they just refuse to do so to keep the volume down, value up, & hype up so everyone who is on the sideline will have no choice but to jump on the preorder boat so that they won't miss the release like they did on the synthetic.

well i won't be on the next boat obviously. i don't support such companies that depend on hypes. Be it Apple, HT, Air Jordan retros or 1000 Toys, sure their products are great but they are also encouraging unhealthy spending & encouraging scalping, which i'm against. i have the money, there's demand for it, why purposely cut the product volume to make supporters lose sleep over it? no thanks.

this is a small company its no where near the size of hot toys. notice that the preorder was pay up front in full? i see nothing wrong with encouraging customers to get the next PO, they have to.. its sink or swim. all their time and resources are going to the next release. they arent in this to simply make one figure over and over again, they have a new ver with gear called Indra in the works that builds upon that base body, i have seen other concept art for more figures by them based on niheis art/manga.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

this is a small company its no where near the size of hot toys. notice that the preorder was pay up front in full? i see nothing wrong with encouraging customers to get the next PO, they have to.. its sink or swim. all their time and resources are going to the next release. they arent in this to simply make one figure over and over again, they have a new ver with gear called Indra in the works that builds upon that base body, i have seen other concept art for more figures by them based on niheis art/manga.

Is the new one going to be a lottery too?
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Please stop buying unlicenced custom figures and HS its not right that people earn money thanks to somebody else s creations.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Please stop buying unlicenced custom figures and HS its not right that people earn money thanks to somebody else s creations.

in that case people should also stop sculpting their own customs because it's not licensed, if you want to sculpt your own headsculpt based on some licensed character please notify the license holder & offer them a small token of license fee before you proceed, even if it's just for your own purpose.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

this is a small company its no where near the size of hot toys. notice that the preorder was pay up front in full? i see nothing wrong with encouraging customers to get the next PO, they have to.. its sink or swim. all their time and resources are going to the next release. they arent in this to simply make one figure over and over again, they have a new ver with gear called Indra in the works that builds upon that base body, i have seen other concept art for more figures by them based on niheis art/manga.

nothing wrong with paying upfront, i never complained about that, but only setting a low quantity of said product when the demand for it is obviously more than that shows they are doing it on purpose to keep quantity low, value high, and demand + hype up. you can tell it's selling well when the 2nd batch preorder was fully booked, and still there are many people looking for 1, i don't see why they won't run a 3rd run since they still need the factory to produce the same base body. If people are willing to pay upfront for the preorders, i don't see how money can be a problem for them to do more runs.

and there's a difference between "Encouraging'' and "Giving no options" for people thinking of preordering one.