I don't get why so many people seem so excited about this figure. The sculpt is awful. It doesn't look like Ewan at all.
All a matter of perspective I suppose. I totally see Ewan and love the sculpt.
I think most are excited because A) it marks the start to SSC armored figures, something longe desired, B) this appearance of Obi-Wan has developed a cult following and is quite poplure, C) many people pre-ordered the GG maquette expecting a relistic Obi-Wan in armor and they totally botched it so this is a sigh of relief, and D) the new SSC body is going into play.
That said, here's a graphic I worked up in my joy over this figure, as a big Obi-Wan fan. I hate using SSC stock images because for one thing, it's someone else's photography and as a photographer I don't feel right doing it, but what choice have I right now, but also because I'm stuck with poses and can't arrange ones that fit for a composition.