I will Light this
Well I bet there all proud of themselves over at SSC in the upper management right about now, pouting this as a success while Patting each other on the back is in progress.
That said, I understand not everyone gets there wants and needs fulfilled, and that piece that we see glimpses of in the background as a Tease, but is just that, and I am don't have to have just DC or just Marvel, or just some other License or a specific scale, but somethings did catch my eye, yes my eye, but looking in on other threads and what they would have like to been reveled, you didn't do to good, but a lot of collectors have short memories and that through out the year, there are Revels that are off the radar of a lot or being held in some vault at SSC, leading up to SDCC, But Hey 12 Days, is a Scathing Success in someones mind.
I have an Idea for next year, why doesn't SSC actually do a Full Revel, OH SNAP