KeninMI said:Hilarious.
Only my Freddy figures are displayed baseless. That's just so I can stand them up next to the Furnace environment.
Darklord Dave said:I could never get past the childish "it's in his crotch" sniggering of the Cots Y stands. Also they aren't as manuverable as the waist stands. You can pose a figure exactly like you want it with the SS stands and then move him around. With the Y stands you kind of have to repose it everytime you movei ti.
Agent0028 said:It's the bunching of fabric that bothers me the most. I do use stands for my James Bonds because I like the so and so as JB from whatever movie on them, with some of them I have the stand up under the jacket, but it bulges in the back which I dislike, but from the front you can't tell and its better than the jacket bunching and look bad from the front. The worst is with George Washington, the "fat suit" is squished on the sides and bulges in the front because of the stand. Ironically after all the talk of shelf diving I woke up this morning to find GW pushed Thomas Jefferson off the shelf before jumping off himself.
Hey, Mikey, got any pics of how you have your Luke with his stand?
Darklord Dave said:I could never get past the childish "it's in his crotch" sniggering of the Cots Y stands. Also they aren't as manuverable as the waist stands. You can pose a figure exactly like you want it with the SS stands and then move him around. With the Y stands you kind of have to repose it everytime you movei ti.
Agent0028 said:Thanks for the tip and the upcoming pics Mikey.
LOTRFan said:I have an extra standard stand if anyone wants it ... Just pay shipping.