12" SS SW Asajj pic

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jason2885 said:
If they ever did that for any figure it would just make people mad. Remember Sideshow is Gentle Giant, they arent a-holes about their customers getting their products.
I dont think we will ever see a 1250 EE for Star Wars again. Sideshow knows that they have a bunch of customers who want every single exclusive edition. I wouldnt mind them doing a program where you could just reserve every Star Wars figure from the whole year at once. This would be a reward for the loyal customers and if you canceled one you lose all of your orders. This would be great for me because then I wouldnt have to worry about all the problems on Fridays of trying to get a preorder done. Or they could go to mostly inclusive. That would make me happy.

Of course ppl would get mad but thats life and 500 once in a while is not the end of the world IMO. I hear ya though i don't want a GG situation just once in a while for fun.Personally any exclusive over 2000 is a tad high IMO.

And even still at 2000 STILL!!.. not everyone gets one so not everyone can be happy all the time.It makes it more fun thats my whole point in this,i say let people get mad.(might not be a popular stance but i stick by it)
I've never gotten the point of people wanting low exlcusive editions. Look at Patient Zero. I have one, an many people on this board don't and I feel bad for them. I honestly could care less if any of Sideshow's items were unlimited. I just want the figure, and I want it 100% complete which means getting the exclusives.
Well, i would think they are complete as long as the exclusive item(s) are not essential to the character.(qui-gon-jinn poncho etc.)
Seth Gecko said:
Well, i would think they are complete as long as the exclusive item(s) are not essential to the character.(qui-gon-jinn poncho etc.)

I completely understand what you are saying, but I still think because they are missing SOMETHING that came with some form of the same figure, they are incomplete. I would just rather get rid of the exclusives altogether. Site exclusives work just fine though. I just want everyone that wants one to be able to get one. Inclusives are also a great alternative.

I for one think the exclusives have worn out their welcome. They were created to get us to buy directly from Sideshow. I do now, even if it isn't an exclusive. I still have my Subject 57 regular order with Sideshow when I know I can get him for much cheaper through dealers, but I feel more comfortable with Sideshow because I know I will have great customer service if their are any issues. Plus I could get a freebie :D

BTW, Seth you are doing a great job defending your minority opinon in a friendly manner. Just thought I'd say its a nice alternative to the bashing and threatening that takes place over at Rebelscum when there is more than one opinion.

Thats what i was sayin a few pages back.I will only buy direct from SS IF the exclusives are cool/good enough/worth it.Otherwise i can just get the reg. edition for 42$ from an online retailer.
Seth Gecko said:

Thats what i was sayin a few pages back.I will only buy direct from SS IF the exclusives are cool/good enough/worth it.Otherwise i can just get the reg. edition for 42$ from an online retailer.

And I think that is why the exclusives are still around, so you don't go shop at other places. It really is a good marketing move when you think of it that way. Well, can't live with exclusives, and can't live without them either :lol
True!But i know i can live without em.( the mace,qui-gon,luke obi and anakin exclusives i could for sure do without.)The only ones that i thought were cool so far were kit and solo's.

Thats the first thing i'll do when i go to ppo ventress is see what the exclusive is, make a quick decision and either get it or wait for that 42$ one ya know lol.(so based on that someone will get an extra exclusive if i think it's not "mega cool" or vice versa)
Seth Gecko said:
No i like the chaos of PPO i like to know i have a good chance at missing it if i'm not on the ball.(i know some don't but thats me makes it more fun)

So like i said please let the exclusive be under 2000 plzzzzz!

Ok. Next PPO should be at 3am local San Francisco time just so you folks can get the real thrill of getting up at 2:30 in the morning to order.........
LordAzrael said:
Ok. Next PPO should be at 3am local San Francisco time just so you folks can get the real thrill of getting up at 2:30 in the morning to order.........

I feel for ya man, but I know if I had to choose I'd rather get up for them than be stuck at work or school without access to a computer or a good opportunity to use the cell phone. But Sideshow is based in California, so obviously they wan to make things easier for themselves.
LordAzrael said:
Ok. Next PPO should be at 3am local San Francisco time just so you folks can get the real thrill of getting up at 2:30 in the morning to order.........

You know, low edition size isn't really an issue. If you really want the figure than you can get one, you just have to be able to order at the PPO time. In fact, I think I've only heard one story where someone was trying to order at that time and couldn't get through and wasn't able to order.
darthviper107 said:
You know, low edition size isn't really an issue. If you really want the figure than you can get one, you just have to be able to order at the PPO time. In fact, I think I've only heard one story where someone was trying to order at that time and couldn't get through and wasn't able to order.
That is truly my biggest fear when it comes to these being there and still not getting one.
As long as you remember what day and time the PPO is, you'll get one. Either online or via phone. I have it marked in very large letters and I'll set a reminder on my phone. No way in hell would I miss this one.
Yup, I even skip out of some work to do it when I want. Every PPO starts when I'm supposed to be at court working, but I just push it back everytime a PPO goes up I want. When I'm asked why I was an hour late, I just make something up, I'm glad this doesn't happen every Friday but once evey other month (in my case.) The only PT's I'm getting are the Sith and she would just look so cool displayed with the rest of her evil masters!
Darth Loki said:
As long as you remember what day and time the PPO is, you'll get one. Either online or via phone. I have it marked in very large letters and I'll set a reminder on my phone. No way in hell would I miss this one.

I always mark it on my desk calendar at work so I never miss one. I mark that as well as the new DVD releases LOL.
Captain Aldeggon said:
I'm just excited to see what the exclusive will be. I can't imagine what if nobody has guessed it yet. Dusty says it's cool though so it really must be!

I'd say so. I thought Plo's was great, but if Dusty likes this enough to order it and not Plo, it probably is great. I'm guessing some sort of Lighstaber variation.