1st 1/6 SW Figure of 2008

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Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
City of Angels
I know we have an old thread for the next figure, but it's really long now. So here's a nice short one to keep track of the scores for the 1ST SW FIGURE OF 2008...

So who's it gonna be?

Now that we have Han, here's some of the other popular guesses from the other thread that keep surfacing:

Lando ESB
Tusken Raider

Also, keep in mind that we just got 3 major characters -- Ben, Leia and Han -- so the likelyhood is that the next will be a lesser character. But you never know.
Tarkin sculpted by Trevor. :D
I'll buy three. One, Tarkin, two, Van Helsing for my CLee Drac. Three, Baron Frankenstein. Extra clothing, for other Imperial dudes. :D

Lando would rule also. Especially if they get that smooth funky patterned interior to his cape.
Captain Antilles with Rebel Fleet Troopers!!! The quest will never die! :D:D:D:D:D

You know, it just occurred to me that Captain Antilles served AT LEAST nineteen years as the captain of the Tantive IV. That's an awfully long time to go without any kind of a promotion. What do you suppose his problem was, anyway? :confused:

I'm pretty much done with the PT. Exceptions: Dooku, Grievous, Gunray, a solid Padme, and Commander Cody.

That's a shame. The PT boasts the best costumes of the entire series, and, ultimately, the costumes are just as important to the quality of a 12" figure as the headsculpts.
personally id like to see some hoth figs. either leia or luke. but considering how many leias and lukes we have already probably not.

I'm in for anything HOTH!!!!

You know, it just occurred to me that Captain Antilles served AT LEAST nineteen years as the captain of the Tantive IV. That's an awfully long time to go without any kind of a promotion. What do you suppose his problem was, anyway? :confused:

Two different Capt Antilles served as Capt of the Tantive IV. As for me, I want Lando. Any Lando, but General would be cool.
You know, it just occurred to me that Captain Antilles served AT LEAST nineteen years as the captain of the Tantive IV. That's an awfully long time to go without any kind of a promotion. What do you suppose his problem was, anyway? :confused:
i heard he liked to drink and drive alot.:lol
Ditto that. We know it aint gonna be Vader or one of the big THREE from the OT anytime soon. So bring me BESPIN LANDO in his smooth blue cape!!!!

(if its anyone from the PT I am hoping for TPM Obi-Wan.

bespin lando would be my voice too...

as for PT that would be perfect... we'd get the awesome duel of fates..
Also, keep in mind that we just got 3 major characters -- Ben, Leia and Han -- so the likelyhood is that the next will be a lesser character. But you never know.

As it's been said there still a major character from the OT who needs to be represented--- and you don't have to be drunk off the Colt 45 to know who I'm talkin' bout. Bespin version please.:D
WHERE'S (BESPIN) LANDO??? I really can't understand why SSC hasn't made him yet. I mean, we've had the Sith Probe Droids, Jabba's Throne Environment, Dejarik Holochess Set, Holographic Darth Sidious with Mechno-chair, Buboicullaar, Salacious B. Crumb, Snow bunny Padme Amidala, the three Endor losers, three Lukes, two Hans and two Leias, ... but still no LANDO??? Either they are planing something very special for the release of a 12-inch Lando, or someone at SSC just can't stand Lando.
TPM Obi Wan

(but let the rest of the year be OT for the most part)