Does your girlfriend know you talk like this?![]()
Yes, she thought it was funny... but jealousy is a normal reaction so don't feel too bad.

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Does your girlfriend know you talk like this?![]()
I wanna add....Building an awesome entertainment system with huge flat screen TV and epic sound system.... to my 2010 resolution!
It's time for an upgrade B1cthes!!![]()
Nah...That's just how us Puertorricans talk B1tch!![]()
To do the impossible, BENCH MORE THAN SKI
My wrist start to hurt once I tried that.... true story, write that down!
Well, the end of 2009 is quickly approaching. I really can't believe how fast this year has flown by, not that I'm complaining. This year sucked. I sat through two family member's funerals and had multiple friends die, including my favorite teacher of all time. Every so many years, a year comes by where I lose a few people from my life. I'm just lucky to not be one of those people, I guess.
However, 2009 wasn't without it's high points. I graduated from UCF with my Bachelor's of Social Science in May and started my Master's in Educational Technology in August. I traveled a good bit, adding 7 states to my list of "been there, done that" places. That brings me up to 36 states, just 14 more to go!
Hopefully 2010 will be a much better year than 2009. Here are some of my goals/resolutions for 2010:
- Make no less than a "B" in my grad classes.
- Travel to at least two new states.
- Travel internationally for the first time.
- Continue my recent trend of being more active and working out.
- Find a nice boy to date. (Come on freaks, help a brother out.)
- Sell some of my photography.
And, most importantly:
- Have more fun with my freaks.
So despite 2009's epic failureness, I would like to thank all of you for being awesome. I really enjoy the "escaped" feeling I get when I am here mingling with you fine people. I've made lots friends and hope to make more in 2010. I'd like to give a special shout out to Bamboota, Eli26, The Ween, Kuzeh, Skiman, JC and BadMoon for really making me feel like I belong. I'm sure I forgot someone, so please don't be offended. You all mean a great deal to me!
Im gonna try to not smoke anymore. I kinda bum one or two cigarettes everytime I'm drunk. Sometimes more than that the more I drink. So yeah, I'm gonna stop doing that since I already started drinking much less.
Well, the end of 2009 is quickly approaching. I really can't believe how fast this year has flown by, not that I'm complaining. This year sucked. I sat through two family member's funerals and had multiple friends die, including my favorite teacher of all time. Every so many years, a year comes by where I lose a few people from my life. I'm just lucky to not be one of those people, I guess.
However, 2009 wasn't without it's high points. I graduated from UCF with my Bachelor's of Social Science in May and started my Master's in Educational Technology in August. I traveled a good bit, adding 7 states to my list of "been there, done that" places. That brings me up to 36 states, just 14 more to go!
Hopefully 2010 will be a much better year than 2009. Here are some of my goals/resolutions for 2010:
- Make no less than a "B" in my grad classes.
- Travel to at least two new states.
- Travel internationally for the first time.
- Continue my recent trend of being more active and working out.
- Find a nice boy to date. (Come on freaks, help a brother out.)
- Sell some of my photography.
And, most importantly:
- Have more fun with my freaks.
So despite 2009's epic failureness, I would like to thank all of you for being awesome. I really enjoy the "escaped" feeling I get when I am here mingling with you fine people. I've made lots friends and hope to make more in 2010. I'd like to give a special shout out to Bamboota, Eli26, The Ween, Kuzeh, Skiman, JC and BadMoon for really making me feel like I belong. I'm sure I forgot someone, so please don't be offended. You all mean a great deal to me!
2009 bit. Dumped, cancer, lost my job, cancer, insomnia, pneumonia and cancer.
2010? Hm. Remission?
Here's to a better year.2009 bit. Dumped, cancer, lost my job, cancer, insomnia, pneumonia and cancer. 2010? Hm. Remission?
Resolutions are for someone whose life aint perfect.Does not apply to me.
I win.