Where the hell is catalonia ??? I I guess you mean Cataluña
All Spain is celebrating this triumph:

The 19 autonomous communities or regions.. and of course all provinces:
Madrid,Cataluña, Galicia, extremadura, Asturias, Murcia, Valencia, Rioja, Cantabria, Castilla la Mancha, Castilla y León, Pais Vasco, Aragón, las canarias... and Ceuta y Melilla.
I guess the media distorts the reality to much.
I know many people from Catalonia and they feel Spanish, but there are 4 or 5 people who does, not think this way, and make lots of noise with this topic.(Like the stupid spontaneous called Jimmy Jump) Besides, even almost all of catalonians hate this guy and feel embarrassed
For example:
The Catalan government wanted to impose that, at least the 50% of all movies were dubed to Catalan.(in catalonia of course)
What,s the problem? easy...: Nobody wants to see a movie dubed to catalan and the theaters are empty because everybody prefers the spanish (castellano) dub version,instead catalonian dub...(you can ask the people) and of course this is a total waste of money for the Spanish film industry and for this reason all the cinemas went on strike last year..However, the catalonians nationalist said that it was the Spanish government itself which was preventing...