HAHHA i love it when people stereotype Italian soccer as only being divers that use it as a tactic to win and that is all they do. I could post video after video of every nationality at every level of the game diving, most of which (Rivaldo at WC, Ronaldo at the world cup, the spanish, the french, even the NZ captain burned a good 3 min off the clock today recovering on the floor near the end of the game, not even going to mention the whole ____ episode tody) are 10000000000 times worse then De Rossi today.
Did De Rossi go down rather easy??? YES. Was he being held?? YES. Was he is a scoring position having beat the defender??? YES. To anyone that knows football, that is a penalty, esp. when the guilty team has been throwing elbows for the whole game.
Every top player in the world has dived, and are notorious for it (Ronaldo, Drogba, Rivaldo), so to just stereotype one group just makes it seem that your a American soccer fan that knows very little about the world game ,regurgitating info you herd around the water cooler 5 years ago.
Now that i got that off of my chest, we played like utter garbage today... I had us bowing out at the round 16, so it looks like my assumptions are right since we will be playin the Nederlands now.... (if we get out of te group at all
