Agreed. Mods? Unnecessary thread here.Nintendo Entertainment System > Everything Else. (even in 2010)
End of thread.
Agreed. Mods? Unnecessary thread here.Nintendo Entertainment System > Everything Else. (even in 2010)
End of thread.
You mean those Sega CD games? Yeah, those were freakin' awesome
Actually, Dragon's Lair/Space Ace were two of my favorite old school arcade games as a kid. I still love them.
uhh....anyone with a PS3 answer this for me? I was tryin to setup my PS3 online and it wont hook up, I have a linksys router and the ethernet cable is plugged in but it cant find an IP and the router, Im guessin cant find it (THE PS3) mac adress
I guess all these super sensitive 360 fans are getting all worked up over me saying and accepting the PS3 is no longer joke bait. And that the lineup is stronger. I think they think I'm saying that since the PS3 has the better line up that the 360 then sucks? 360 is going to have some good games this year, but PS3's line up is stronger, as well as last years too. I made this thread for PS3 owners to come and talk and be excited not to have 3 fanboys come in here and bash the system and turn thus into a flame war. If you don't like what I'm feeding then crawl back in your hole.
Solidus I agree Infamous is an awesome game, much more enjoyable than GTA4. The super powers made it that much more fun, the style of the game was great, and the ending was great...I can't wait for Infamous 2. Repetitive nature? Every open world sandbox game is repetitive that's the nature of the beast, every game has a sort of fetch this collect this deliver this objects.
Solidus I agree Infamous is an awesome game, much more enjoyable than GTA4. The super powers made it that much more fun, the style of the game was great, and the ending was great...I can't wait for Infamous 2. Repetitive nature? Every open world sandbox game is repetitive that's the nature of the beast, every game has a sort of fetch this collect this deliver this objects.
I believe that it may be a problem with your router. Recheck all of your wired connections, and make sure that the router is plugged in correctly. You can also try resetting the router, by turning it off for a few minutes.
No they were the exact same mission over and over! GTA isn't like that at all they really mix it up, so to say this is more enjoyable than GTA is a joke but it is your opinion i'm not sure many would agree with you but there you go.
Just looked on metacritic GTA 4 got 98% & Infamous 85%
Yeah having played both, GTA 4 was WAY better than Infamous. I was bored with Infamous in a few hours and never even bothered with it after that.
I haven't played infamous but GTA 4 was probably the first game that actually made me feel like I was in a movie on that bank robbery mission. Awesome job they did with that. I was always annoyed you could never go back and play certain missions.
Your loss then.
On another note just because metacritic gave GTA 4 13% higher rating does not mean it's the better game. But I'm afraid this thread isn't a GTA IV vs Infamous thread. I'd rather have Infamous and GTA 4 on my console, than GTA4 and no Infamous lets just say that. Infamous was one of the overlooked and underrated gems of the 2009 line up.
Too true man. I believe that Infamous was overlooked by a lot of people, because of the time that it was released. Most of the high profile games in 09' like MW2, Arkham Asylum, and Uncharted 2 got released in the fall, and everyone became so focused on those particular games, that Infamous just got pushed aside. I mean, Infamous wasn't even mentioned in the Spike VGAs, nor did it even make contender for most GOTY awards.
I'm not even going to compare Infamous to GTA 4. Besides both of them being sandbox games, it's not like Infamous was aiming to be another GTA 4, as both games operated in completely different concepts. Infamous gave us a comic-book style storyline (where we could choose to be a superhero, or to be "Infamous"), while GTA 4 was more like a straight up crime/action thriller.
To each their own, but personally, Infamous is one of the best games that I played last year, and it was largely unappreciated by the media, and the masses (of gamers).