One more day until posting can begin.
I will post the two new challenge threads late tomorrow night, er, tonight
technically now...just before midnight.
Again, like last challenge,
one thread will be IMAGES ONLY!
The other will be RESPONSES ONLY! It can have quotes containing reference shots from the Image thread, to better iterate your comments, but, PLEASE,
no response posts in the Image thread! I have this feeling this go round's Image thread is gonna be pretty darned full of pics to find and keep up with.
I also think we participants should try to limit our Image posts to a minimum of pictures, as few as are needed, so the quantities of images won't slow us down. Think quality over quantity. I may only post five or six pics per figure myself. If you have more than three figures to post, please try to keep image quantity realistic and low.
And, try not to post any that are too large. That will slow loading times also.
That's about it I guess. Feel free to post what you want in the Response thread. Whatever, sky's the limit. After all, it is about having fun.
Mods, please be advised that we will need some help in corralling any stray comments from Images over to Comments, like last go round. And, if you can unsticky the last challenge threads, the Female Figure ones, tomorrow sometime, anytime really, earlier the better, they can start to drop down and these two will replace them up top 'til next challenge? That sound ok?
You guys did a stellar job with that last go round. Thanks again.
Look forward to what tomorrow night, and all day HALLOWEEN (Much less for all the Spooktacular stuff!), will bring!
Thanks all. Can't believe we are only a day away!