I know its been less than a week, but not even close to 2,000.
I know there's still 40 days to go, but this thing is being pushed on every SW collecting site, so you'd think the news would have reached most of the potential buyers by now.
I would have assumed it'd be close to half way by now. Amazing that they are trying to reach that 5,000 on domestic buyers alone. To say this is a mega-expensive mega-niche item is an understatement. I just wouldn't have thought you'd find 5,000 people that would jump on this due to cost and commitment to space (think of all those spouses who have tolerated hundreds of hasbro SW items for years... now a SW kayak for the living room that costs as much as a decent kayak.)
Here's where you start to realize that the everything-including-kitchen-sink ambition and the only-domestic-buyers idea may not have gone together.
I know there's still 40 days to go, but this thing is being pushed on every SW collecting site, so you'd think the news would have reached most of the potential buyers by now.
I would have assumed it'd be close to half way by now. Amazing that they are trying to reach that 5,000 on domestic buyers alone. To say this is a mega-expensive mega-niche item is an understatement. I just wouldn't have thought you'd find 5,000 people that would jump on this due to cost and commitment to space (think of all those spouses who have tolerated hundreds of hasbro SW items for years... now a SW kayak for the living room that costs as much as a decent kayak.)
Here's where you start to realize that the everything-including-kitchen-sink ambition and the only-domestic-buyers idea may not have gone together.