I think with Gina Carano, The High Republic, despicable LFL employees/writers posting on Twitter and George Lucas reminding everyone once again that only Episodes I-VI are "his" Star Wars
Did he? I didn't see that.
I think with Gina Carano, The High Republic, despicable LFL employees/writers posting on Twitter and George Lucas reminding everyone once again that only Episodes I-VI are "his" Star Wars
Did he? I didn't see that.
Carded Mando Retro collection. Nice to see that they kept the stupid Retro stickers even though there's no need to differentiate them from any existing vintage counterparts.
I'm right there with you. I'll continue to collect stuff from the OT and from first two seasons of The Mandalorian. Perhaps the odd PT figure like Windu if they ever make him. My biggest collecting regret at the moment is passing on the Sail Barge.
I think my personal "main" Star Wars story will always start with Rogue One leading into the OT and end with The Mandalorian season 2 and that door closing on Luke and The Child. To me it's the perfect beginning, middle, and end.
There are other parts of the franchise I enjoy but they will always be secondary.
Collect for yourself not what others think. I?m an opener too and rarely keep things carded. If it?s a special packaging or something I might try to get two and keep one carded. I kept the Sailbarge Yakface carded because the retail one was available. Hard to say on the Razorcrest Grogu and Jawa. They will be different from that retail versions by more than just an extra cup. So I?ll probably open them up too despite their perceived extra value. The real value is how you use them in your display. Carded guys will display them carded and openers will probably open. Not sure how that works exactly when you?ll have to partially open up the Crest to even get the carded figures out. But those problems just illustrate why it?s much less stressful being an opener
I got 2 of the Tantive corridor diorama in recently and just wasn't as excited about it as I expected to be.
Yeah, mine arrived and I feel the same way; it isn’t as fun as I thought it would be. It just sits there. It’s a hallway. Half a hallway. For $50. Plus it’s made of super cheap thin plastic that light shines right through, which instantly kills the look.
There isn’t even a way to army build Rebel Fleet Troopers to fill it without going through resellers, so mine is just vacant apart from Darth, a couple Stormtroopers, and one Rebel. I’m baffled Hasbro didn’t offer some solid cases of them like they did for the Rogue One Stormtroopers.