And even with the quite a bit higher prices of the past decade-plus (seemed like Hasbro finally figured out that older dudes could afford to pay much more, especially for incredibly accurate figs/vehicles/playsets dressed up as a 40 year old Kenner release) they are still a good deal for what you get, which are some staggeringly well done display pieces.Yeah, I've not been able to bring myself to consign my 3.75 inch StarWars to the past. I did have a period where I was really pissed off with Hasbro for denying me all avenues to the Sailbarge except the aftermarket, a time when I considered quitting their products and offloading everything I had - but things have changed. Hasbro Pulse EU now ships to all of Europe which they didn't before. This means I was able to get the Boba Fett Throne Room, that recent set of Jabba goons etc. And there's always a chance they'd make the Barge available again. It's the only major gap in my collection.
They're still making some good stuff - great vehicles, diorama playsets and background characters.
Ahh ***t!
The barge was my turning point - where I finally broke my 3 3/4" habit (becoming a faithful 1/6 collector only), and was kinda glad I couldn't order it because in seeing all the YT videos of it in collections it really needs half a room to display it.
But not having had my 3 3/4" stuff out after quite a number of years just reinforces why I got these pieces in the first place: they are really, really well done. With a few puffs of Tamiya weathering, the Hasbro snowspeeder and cloud car could pass as fully built high end model kits (but with opening cockpits etc,) and many of the super articulated figs of maybe a decade ago are remarkably accurate and pose so well.
I know there's a ton of complaints around Hasbro (fig choice, omissions, stupid decisions etc) but when you look back, its remarkable what they've achieved in the past 20 years alone. I'm taking out figure after figure and just being blown away at how well done they are. And NO, I'm NOT buying more.