4-year old dies from swallowing a lithium battery

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I guess what it comes down to is if it's a power source for electronic equipment don't put it in your mouth. Battery, cosmic cube etc. Thats why you take batteries out of toys so the acid doesn't corrode.

If it makes you feel better as a kid I swallowed one of those old school lego pirate captains. Hook, peg leg and all, and I'm still not sure he's come out.
Parents need to childproof their homes until the children have been taught how to handle potentially dangerous items responsibly. This is the parent's fault. If it wasn't this, the child could have died from something else. A lot of people have become so used to many things as being safe enough for themselves as adults that they don't think about how they could kill a child. After all, they are just normal things in our society, right? Wrong.
I guess what it comes down to is if it's a power source for electronic equipment don't put it in your mouth. Battery, cosmic cube etc. Thats why you take batteries out of toys so the acid doesn't corrode.

If it makes you feel better as a kid I swallowed one of those old school lego pirate captains. Hook, peg leg and all, and I'm still not sure he's come out.

Do your farts sound like..... Arrrrrrrggggg! Arrrrrrrrrggggg!
I feel so bad for the Parents :monkey2

Do your farts sound like..... Arrrrrrrggggg! Arrrrrrrrrggggg!

If it makes you feel better as a kid I swallowed one of those old school lego pirate captains. Hook, peg leg and all, and I'm still not sure he's come out.

When I was small I swallowed a small metal ball. I don't even remember how I found it, And I don't know if it came out or not....
Maybe the Babies soul picked the wrong mother, who didn't watch him.:dunno

There are so many parents who are incompetent enough to allow the likelihood of this happening that the birthrate would probably drop to 1/1000th of what it is now if every soul were as picky as you suggest.

There just are too many incompetent people in the world, and too many dangers in it to assure a reasonable expectation of safety for most people. A lot of unnatural things means a lot more dangers, and there are so many in our modern world that a normal natural level of vigilance or care isn't enough. People must be hyper vigilant to compensate for all of the additional dangers because of technology.

The vast majority of parents don't pimp out their children or murder them, so there is plenty of availability for a parent who does not. However, most parents aren't responsible enough not to allow them to swallow something they shouldn't. Accidental swallowing of dangerous things is a far more common occurrence than a parent murdering or raping their children, or performing human sacrifice or something, wouldn't you agree?

The rarity of certain extreme behaviors of people and any strong disposition to do them suggests a kind of deliberate and exceptional ignorance or acceptance of these behaviors when a soul decides to become a child of someone who has them.

That is true whether the extreme behavior is either good or bad.

Why be the child of a certain person you don't want to be their child?

I believe in cause and effect.

This accidental swallowing issue is neither rare, nor is intentional or in other words, there is no strong disposition of the parent to allow it to happen.
Your conclusion is specious.
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Why should he be any different? :dunno

He drew a ridiculous conclusion based upon the notion that it was possible to be picky enough to avoid such parents that could allow their children to choke on small objects AND have enough people to continue the human race. That is not possible. Everyone could not do that.

On the other hand, everyone could be picky enough to avoid people who are especially malicious enough to to DELIBERATELY do bad things to their children. You could still have a very viable human race that way.
He was mocking your ridiculous premise that the souls of babies choose their parents.

All conclusions that follow from ridiculous premises will be ridiculous. Cause and effect. Logic. You believe in those, right?

I guess what I should have said was, "Why should you be special?" :dunno
He was mocking your ridiculous premise that the souls of babies choose their parents.

All conclusions that follow from ridiculous premises will be ridiculous. Cause and effect. Logic. You believe in those, right?

I guess what I should have said was, "Why should you be special?" :dunno

There is nothing ridiculous about my premise.It is perfectly logical. It is illogical that they don't if they have real free will. My premise is unproven, not disproven. As it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not with any sort of scientific device, and it is impossible to prove that souls don't pick their parents, my premise is far more likely to be the truth, despite how unconventional it is.

My premise that souls do in fact pick their parents is the more logical conclusion if you believe in free will than the conclusion that they don't.

If logic is what is used to determine the truth, then the premise I present is the winner. If you believe there is anything which defies logic, then you can believe that what I present could be untrue.

All people have to do is say that there is no way to explain how these things happen, and they can dismiss my premise as untrue. I however think they everything can be explained with logic, regardless of what it is, and everything can make sense.
Your premise is arbitrary, and your commitment to it is pathological. Your insistence on its logical validity is delusional.

You may as well have said bgreabuivo fwcwiu ctwai. It's just as 'unproven' and has as much cognitive content.

Souls do not exist before conception, nevermind whether or not they have free will. If you gave a damn about logic you would prove otherwise, but you only care so far as it serves as window dressing for your detachment from reality.
blackthornone believes in comic superheroes being real. need we say more? what a nut case
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