Yeah, I saw the movie... actually got if for free at my office during Christmas... funny enough... But everyone at work laughed and said that the character reminded them of me because of his apartment. Thankfully they thought that I was different than the main character, as I am not dorky looking or have I sworn off sex.. well....maybe I am dorky looking... but not really bad...
In many ways, it was nice to see collecting portrayed in ANY light.. As it is one of those things that many people don't like to talk about or admit. Most people have a hobby, but collecting "toys" is usually interpreted as being a sad hobby for little 12 year old boys who live in their basements... So even if it poked fun at us, it also made a few guys that I barely knew to ask me about my collection. Strangely enough, once they saw that the majority of it was horror and Star Wars... they were impressed.