Freaked Out
ok thanks guys looks like i have to part with more of my money
I've reduced his height by 2 scale inches, but plan on trying a body swap, maybe to a Dragon.
I'm still interested in a custom head from Ada or an other sculptor if the price is not superior to $ 15 ($ 10 would be better lol).
If it's Buffy, I want Anya and Tara
If it's Angel, I want Fred, Gunn and Wesley
They are in my top 5 of most wanted 12 inches figures.
But after that, I would be also interested in a new Willow (season 5 to 7), a new Faith (season 7), Cordelia (from Buffy), Dawn, human Drusilla (from Buffy), human Darla (from Angel), Illyria, Glory, Connor, Jenny, Joyce, Lilah, Lindsey, Harmony, Caleb, vampire Xander...
If you are really interested, let me know. We could try something for at least one head.