A General Chat about Hot Toys

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I get it it just seems to be more petty, people get aggitated over the slightest little thing it doesn't seem to matter that nearly everything else is correct. Expectactions of perfection are too high imo

It goes hand in hand with the prices going up!

That's true, but it can get a little obnoxious especially when you have those that want to constantly compare images to the actual character/actor in the film. Sure, you may not find this particular figure worthy enough to spend 400 and up for it, but it seems like an excuse to get others to agree with you. Why get into a debate over something that is so subjective? :dunno
That's true, but it can get a little obnoxious especially when you have those that want to constantly compare images to the actual character/actor in the film. Sure, you may not find this particular figure worthy enough to spend 400 and up for it, but it seems like an excuse to get others to agree with you. Why get into a debate over something that is so subjective? :dunno

Well, for some the internet is a complaint box, just there for the sport of complaining. But I also think we need to hold them to a damn high standard if we're going to pay $200+ or even $250+ for these things.
Strike while the iron is HOT. It's funny how people assume, "well, they keep on acquiring licenses, it doesn't give 'em time to release, work on or finish the figures they announced."

How do you know that the head sculpts and costumes for those are not/ or are done?

It takes a lot to go into production et., and when a film like Green Lantern does not generate the buzz like Avengers or Batman, they'll get pushed back, especially if they want to coincide with the market and what's current.

They are also working hand in hand with Marvel and DC to acquire these likenesses, naming rights and so forth.

Same with people that whine about: "why doesnt HT make figures from 1980s characters..."

Because they are acquiring licenses that are probably much easier to get, is one. Two, they are catering to a market that is landing them millions and millions of dollars.

Would it be nice for them to revisit old school characters, maybe horror icons and so forth... ? Absolutely.

BUt they are a business, and they are doing a fine job of running it right now, considering there is always a small segment that will always whine about them getting, or not getting what they want.

Last time I check, these runs are selling out and doing very well in the 2ndary market.

I am new to the HT and Sideshow community but have been very active in the GI JOE community for many years. The whiny minority is, unfortunately, extremely vocal. The *****ing is endless and no salve can ever heal the wounds a fanboi feels when HT or Hasbro "sCrewwe teh fanz cuz dey donnt care abboutt teh faNz!!!!"

Looking over the Hot Toys facebook page is an exercise in incredulity. I was absolutely shocked to read the absolutely rude and down right mean comments from the demanding fanbois. It is shameful. Why HT continues to allow people to post on their page is mind boggling.

The fact is that our society has quickly degenerated into a bunch of entitled whiners who feel that obtaining a product is not a PRIVILEGE, but rather something that they are ENTITLED to simply because they are alive.

In addition, companies like HT are not seen as honorable contributors to economic growth through their pursuit of profit through investment, but rather entities that exist to cater to each fanboi's whimsical and rapidly changing desires.

The fact is most consumers have next to ZERO idea what goes into making a product such as a GI JOE action figure or a much more complicated HT figure.

They see delays as personal sleights and "inaccuracies" as personal attacks against them.

An idealization of the perfect figure is created in the fanboi mind and the perfection that they imagine can never be duplicated.

Therefore it is impossible to please them.
Expected yes, but I read Widow, Cap, Loki and Thor all delayed until end of the year / beginning next year. I wouldn't hold my breath

Is that right? That's actually good news for me. Too much supposedly coming out all at once! :O
Iron Monger has been delayed... again! ETA is November now. :impatient:

But it seems that we may get Iron Man Mk I soon... :clap

I believed more figures will get delayed as we moved into the last quarter of the year.
I'm just glad all but his last Flex Payment has already been charged. I can handle $100 whenever he comes out, but $500 is a different story. :lol
I'm just glad all but his last Flex Payment has already been charged. I can handle $100 whenever he comes out, but $500 is a different story. :lol

Too true. I think the hardest part in the next 6-8 months is just the AMOUNT of product I'm interested in. Between Batman (DKR + Returns) and Avengers I'm pretty much soaked.
I have a question to all you guys who collects HT's or quite knowledgeable about this company.

Why do they keep putting out s#!t that always gets delayed, I mean they will give ETA and all but eventually it will be months and months of waiting. Do they always do this?

I don't collect HT but now I pre ordered Black Widow and planning on some more.. its just the release date of their figures is ridiculous from the prototype to production. Oh well..

just my 2cents.. :)
I have a question to all you guys who collects HT's or quite knowledgeable about this company.

Why do they keep putting out s#!t that always gets delayed, I mean they will give ETA and all but eventually it will be months and months of waiting. Do they always do this?

Sometimes there are licensing and likeness issues, ie Johnny Depp doesn't like his portrait so it has to be revised.

Sometimes there are production/manufacturing issues, ie the factory is running behind schedule or the materials are giving them grief.

Sometimes they make revisions between the proto stage and production stage, ie revise a body, sculpt or costume.

Sometime they might prioritize one figure over another to take advantage of peak consumer interest in that figure.

But mainly it's just to **** with Nova.
Sometimes there are licensing and likeness issues, ie Johnny Depp doesn't like his portrait so it has to be revised.

Sometimes there are production/manufacturing issues, ie the factory is running behind schedule or the materials are giving them grief.

Sometimes they make revisions between the proto stage and production stage, ie revise a body, sculpt or costume.

Sometime they might prioritize one figure over another to take advantage of peak consumer interest in that figure.

But mainly it's just to **** with Nova.

Yeah that's basically the main reason. HT loves to hear Nova cry.
I think Hot Toys make figures very well but it's clear they are half arsed about every other aspect of the business.

Plus it's China which is a bit more submissive and less inclined to complain.
They probably think we are spoilt *****es.
A massive generalisation there but I do think there is a culture thing there also.