So this is how it is... I get it... *rolls up his sleeves, then realizes he doesn't have any*
And wtf Moe, don't leave. Damn, and I thought I was a drama queen. Nobody elaborate on that. I know it's walking into a trap, but just try and avoid going there.
Seriously, you can't let these goofs get to you. For the most part, they're all good people. Just misunderstood. Really misunderstood. Outlandishly misunderstood. A WORLD OF MISUNDERSTOOD! But they are good peeps. You're not going the best way about this. It's also not about loyalty bro, you need to find a new and different approach to things. People need to get to know you before really come out of your shell (not closet people!!!), and if you do, do what P!tu does.. show em' you don't give a crap, but don't show them you're getting upset and they are getting to you.