A New Hope Han!!!!

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Thought i'd post this here. Gotta disagree with ford, i think Han IS interesting and i love those pants.

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Posted at ContactMusic.com:
Harrison Ford has vowed he will never reprise his role as HAN SOLO - the character which shot him to global superstardom in STAR WARS.
The 65-year-old actor is currently basking in the success of his latest movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - which has become a major box office hit 17 years after his first appearance as the intrepid archeologist. But although Ford is grateful for the career boost afforded to him by Star Wars when he was a struggling actor, he would never consider returning to the sc-fi franchise as the character is too dull.
He says, "Han Solo isn't interesting to me. It's a very narrow sort of utility in the story and it was great for my career and it was fun to play at the time but I wouldn't go back there again. Those pants! " There are characters that it seems to me are worth re-exploring given that the story advances your understanding of the character, deepens your relationship to that character and takes you into an area that's new and unexpected. " Some characters are decidedly one off kind of characters. Some characters don't outlive the movie."

I need to be the lead role not supporting another character or characters. Honestly I never really thought Indy and Han were all that different of a character type. He doesn't share the spotlight in the Indy films.
Look man I love Han just as much as the next guy, but let's face it he was worthless in JEDI. He had nothing to do, which supports that "purpose" argument. Seems like the EU has pussyfied him now anyway.
He had nothing to do. BUT we were all waiting to see him get rescued(or whatever his fate in ep6 after the huge cliffhanger in ep5) Man that was a big part of it back then. If nothing but that alone, his presence in the film is justified IMO.
Yeah boo!

I'm glad i don't associate the actors that play my favorite characters with the actual character. When i see Han in the movies i see Han not Harrison. When i see Mission impossible i see Ethan not tom cruise (thank god) When i see etc. etc.

I've just always been like that, I hope most people are like that. Some people say they can't watch anymore Tom C. movies cause he's bat^^^^ crazy now. Not me, i just don't look at it like that.
Yeah boo!

I'm glad i don't associate the actors that play my favorite characters with the actual character. When i see Han in the movies i see Han not Harrison. When i see Mission impossible i see Ethan not tom cruise (thank god) When i see etc. etc.

I've just always been like that, I hope most people are like that. Some people say they can't watch anymore Tom C. movies cause he's bat^^^^ crazy now. Not me, i just don't look at it like that.

I'm the same way, just like watching sports, when the games are over, I could care less which athlete got busted or who stabbed who, etc.
Can't believe we'll finally have this soon.

He had nothing to do. BUT we were all waiting to see him get rescued(or whatever his fate in ep6 after the huge cliffhanger in ep5) Man that was a big part of it back then. If nothing but that alone, his presence in the film is justified IMO.

Totally agree. While Han was without a purpose in that film, his character was far from done. In the EU, they've gone interesting places with him I think. The death of Chewbacca, death of Anakin and the turning of his son Jacen really did hit him hard and brought new depth to his character... at least IMO.

But I can see why Harrison feels that way..

And also.. I can't wait to get this figure... if only to repaint the Hell out of it. :D
would have made a fitting ending for both characters.. instead of having one die like a ^^^^^ and the other becoming dull.

I know a lot of you EU fans are gonna' hate me for this...

But there's something poetic about the way Boba Fett s#$% the bed. For Lucas to create that cool of a character, and then just toss him in the garbage on a comedy bit between Han & Chewie...well, that was when Lucas had talent to spare.
Wow. two sides of a coin really. Trev's sculpt is a serene, calm han. Feng's is the oher end of the spectrum. VERY extreme. Too extreme for my taste. It IS harison, as much as Trev's is, but the expresion is a little too "dirty harry" for me. I'd personaly prefer something in the middle. like these


I like Trevor's sculpt a lot because it is neutral so the figure can be positioned in any which way, and at the same time, Trevor added such intricate detail into the face, it is not just a blank expression, but exudes Ford's character.

In the end, this is the best of both worlds. The same goes for old Ben.