A Nightmare On Elm Street 30th Anniversary

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A bit off topic, but not sure if anyone has heard about this. A new fan film that would follow Wes Craven's New Nightmare actually staring Miko Hughes. Vincente Disanti is producing, and he directed the Friday the 13th fan film, Never Hike Alone which was actually pretty damn good, so there's a decent chance this could be pretty good as well. They have an indiegogo campaign which has been struggling to reach it's goal, but they just extended it to 60 days. They have some pretty cool perks if you do contribute.

Scarrviper, your picture taking skills are outstanding. You should do promotional pictures for NECA. they would sell more product. in fact, your pics undoubtedly have caused sales. "If you're good at something....never do it for free" is what The Joker said.
scarrviper, I feel ya! Several years ago someone reputable saw some pics I took of figures. They asked if I wanted to review and shoot some pics of figures. There was no pay, but you got to keep the figures. It was tempting, but I had little extra time for it so I declined. I should have made the time. I think I would have enjoyed it.
Thanks! As much as I love the Mezco one12 version, the neca ultimate still holds up as one of my favorites.

Although I noticed when I got him off the shelf to take the newest picture, his legs feel sticky for some reason.

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