For about 6 months,I 've told everyone a sabrethooth and venom PF are coming.About time you realise.Check for a 1/1 Hulk bust coming a very well know Sideshow Sculptor...the future is looking good.
1. Shai, I hope you are right on the 1:1 Hulk bust. I would love to see that one.
2. Chapter and Quadcent, yes, the Daredevil will be out as an anouncement this year. Maybe even tonight?

3. I think Venom PF will be out too this year.
4. Ok, I know this is not on the priority, but I will give it a shot. Why not finish off the Fantastic Four in PF. They started off with the Thing, and it just does not make sense to have completed the line without the other three. I just don't get it (ok maybe from financial point of view), but seriously, part of the business is to do the job right in the collectables, they should complete the FF, IMO.