Toy Fair Overload from Hot Toys and Medicom.
I am ALL over the Punisher,Venom Punisher and Magneto!!Hot DAMN!!!!!!
I don't really care for Blade all that much.
There was a "What-If?" tale by Marvel that had the story what if the Venom Symbiote attached itself to the Punisher? I remember it from a while back so the Venom Punisher is no mistake...just a really cool and unexpected variant!
From Wikipedia:
What If Venom had Possessed The Punisher?
In this one-shot, after the symbiote left Spider-Man it joined with The Punisher (Frank Castle) instead of Eddie Brock. Castle used the symbiote's abilities to further his war on crime; he utilized the suit's shape-shifting nature to create glider-wings and even firearms.
The Symbiote caused the Punisher's war to become more brutal and unrestrained than ever before as he set about confronting and murdering many super criminals until the Symbiote eventually influenced him to confront and beat Spider-Man. With his new powers, Punisher decides to take out Tombstone and later even the Kingpin himself. At the climax of a confrontation with Spider-Man, Daredevil and Moon Knight, from which the Punisher emerges victorious, a blast from Spidey's borrowed sonic blaster allows Punisher to overcome and tame the symbiote. Frank makes it clear that if he ever loses control to the symbiote he would not hesitate to kill himself to prevent the loss of an innocent life.
The symbiote then recedes from Punisher's face and manifests his trademark Skull insignia upon his chest. Castle tells the assembled heroes that he is in control now