Great headsculpt, but it needs sculpted hair. That rooted hair is just too thick and all over the place.
Hey guys - just a couple of quick comments...
The bottom lip looks like he uses dip (tobacco) but it's the sculpted beard just under the lip, which on Viggo is full already without the beard. It's just hard to see in the flesh cast.
Second, some of you have rightfully made issue with the price. The retail in Hong Kong is actually just shy of $200. So there is some significant markup for some places in the US selling this so far but ACI is not listing these at close to $300...
Not saying CREG is not correct, but if the retail in HK is $200. . . why are eBay sellers in Hong Kong selling it for $250-$270, just like the US sellers are? I can't find anyone selling it for $200.
Shipping... Hong Kong to the US (and the rest of the world) is at least $40
If you make sculpted hair it will sell much more. I think you should not resist.
Bryan at ACI commented on this over at OSW, and he pretty much feels that rooted hair is the future and the way to go with any character who has longer hair, so rooted is the way they are going with this figure. I agree with him.
Bryan at ACI commented on this over at OSW, and he pretty much feels that rooted hair is the future and the way to go with any character who has longer hair, so rooted is the way they are going with this figure. I agree with him.