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Very sad to hear this news. Always been a big fan of the original BSG and Apollo.
Feeling really sad and really old right now. I along with several of my friends got to meet and hang out with Richard Hatch back at Chicago Wizard World in 2007. This guy was the real deal. Truly gracious and truly humane. His Tom Zarek was a career defining role. I've always believed he should have gotten an Emmy nomination for that role. His Captain Apollo was and still is a hero for so many of us. That's why this is so damn hard right now. RIP Richard Hatch. You will be missed. So say we all...
Are the cases of pancreatic cancer going up? Seems like so many have gotten it. It's scary.
Original Series was pretty good. Never watched the recent reboot. No kewl looking Cylons, no care.
Sad news. He was great in the original BSG series as Apollo, and I really liked that they brought him back for the reboot. He was always really nice at conventions.
I also didn't see it until it was already over, so I missed the hype around it initially. But it was very well done, and he was good in it. RIP.
I loved the show I remember watching it as a kid, I'm honored to get his and Dirks autograph a few years ago RIP Richard :(
Always sad to see a childhood icon pass away. I loved Battlestar Galactica as a kid, cheezy though it was. It was fun. I was also happy to see that he got the opportunity to return in the Zarek role for the update. While some actors/actresses try to distance themselves from their defining roles, I always liked that he embraced the role and had such passion for the franchise even decades after it was off the air. Prior to the new series he'd raised money to shoot a pitch film hoping to reboot the series. I still have the original series in my itunes library, and will soon revisit some of the episodes and look back fondly. On to the next Richard Hatch...
I hope they will finally allow his self financed classic BSG sequel trailer to be shown, it's a great pity that it never came to anything either in the late 90's before the reboot or in the last few years with Bryan Singer.

RIP Captain Apollo
Wasn't a fan of the original but I was and am still a huge fan of the reboot and he was great in that. Seemed like a wonderful person. R.I.P. Mr. Hatch.
Capt.Apollo and Cmdr.Skywalker in that crossover in San Fran in the 70s.
Needless to say those Imperial Cylon hybrids gotta butt kick'n.