Super Freak
Or better yet...just leave and don't come back. All you do is whine about this thread anyway.
Why did you make this. I smell a batman fan flame war coming up soon.
In this case Dsok was pretty steamed in the AC3 thread and decided to make a poll venting his rage. Who knew ada wong would cause such commotion.
stop calling me a freak i am a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its just weird that people are so upset over this release. I bet when the new Leon comes and it will then the same people are gonna be complaining that there license isnt getting any respect it deserves.
Why the hell you looking at a dolls balls. My goodness what has become of my beloved society!!!!!
HT should make a version of the joker when he's clapping. That version truly captures the essennce of the joker
Why is one of the choices ezio? We have ezio already. Bring on Connor
Judging by your name I thought you'd be after Captain america atleast.
What you talking bout nova . We we re4 Leon to accompany Ada.
No. Batman had enough. Let other figures get some light.
Its better than five and has awesome characters that the fans love and RE has a huge fanbase so HT making Figures from RE6 is a must even if the game did suck. I didnt care for RE5 and most fans didnt like it but we got toys up the ass for that one including dlc figures and varients. Kiva is right tho HT is weird, nobody expected Xmen 3 wolverine or The whole avengers line but they did it and it was just unexpected and so unlikely. HT just likes to be recluse about the details.
Um no. Especially hulk.
Lol jeez is he still going on about this I thought this lame ass thread died. news flash bro. Ada wong is a RE character from an iconic game series thats older than Assasins creed. Im sure HT will give you Conner cuz I want one too buyt whining about and making multiple accounts isnt gonna help much. Somtimes its takes Years for HT to make a figure. Look at avatar for example. Get over it.
Which is why you made a thread fighting with people who wanted the figure?![]()
Your the one who created this thread to whine and moan. Dont act innocent now.![]()
Judging from the past pages ive read I beg to differ but ok.
Im barely in this thread. Baka!!. Go ahead and keep up the stable thread your doing a fine job before I came in.
You caught me!! You're welcome! Man you Ada fans are an odd bunch![]()
So upset over anyone expressing any distaste in your little girlie doll with it's little red dress![]()
Keep it comin die-hard Ada fanboys...must've struck a nerveyou'll have your little barbie doll soon enough...everything's gonna be alright
Sooo...looks like Assassin's Creed wins? (I know that comment is bound to piss off a bunch of RE fanboys)
If this isnt whinning and being a baby then i dont know what is.![]()
Uh huh....keep tryin buddy![]()
Allright then but dont say I didnt warn you.. Keep on doing what your doing and they'll be more arguments.
Hey man, you're the one arguing...I extended an olive branch and you just kept right on with your moaning...![]()
Stop getting things twisted when i came here you were argueing with Snake pliskan, project a, solidus and a couple of others. Dont act like I came in here and started this but ok do what you want bro.![]()
I don't pop in here much, for my wallets sake, but has there ever been any hints about a possible Altair? He's probably my #1 most wanted video game figure other than Shinobi.
I don't pop in here much, for my wallets sake, but has there ever been any hints about a possible Altair? He's probably my #1 most wanted video game figure other than Shinobi.
Love, peace, and chicken grease
Are you talking about the Shinobi videogame series from the 90s? I've wanted a Joe Musashi figure for the longest time.