Definitely the project has taken a long time, and each date we predicted we would be done with it has flown by. That's a big part of why I don't want to give another projected end date, because it has been very difficult to accurately estimate how long things will take. For instance, what I though would be six to eight weeks of editing turned into over twenty.
Scott N. - I'm sorry I haven't given clear markers for what we've gotten done, and what stage we're at. I can see now how that gives a real sense of uncertainty about the project.
Patti - I'd be happy to offer you a refund, I'll send you a message right now about that.
I've always loved filming and editing short videos, but shooting a professional production of this length has been an entirely new beast. Now having talked to professionals in the field I have been told the average cost for a production like this is $50k. After Paypal took their percentage I was able to cover $17k of that $50k via Kickstarter funds. I have had to generate the additional income through traditional commissions, while filming and editing the video. To say the least this has been a grueling process.
Things that have taken more time than budgeted have been everything from writing the script, story boarding, audio editing, and color matching to shooting pickup scenes and designing things like the cover and DVD menu. We have developed some great working relationships with video professionals in these later stages of production. We've learned a lot about international standards so we get the correct type of DVDs to everyone in all the Kickstarter countries. We've discovered just how expensive it is ship worldwide, which I didn't originally take into account when setting up reward tiers.
I want you all to know that this is a project I am proud of and passionate about. I never wanted to complain about the process, and so I didn't really share my struggles with all of you backers.
I hope you know that I'm working as hard as I can to get the video and samples of Cx5 into your hands. I appreciate all of your patience, and I sincerely apologize that we haven't been more communicative about progress on the video. Currently we are editing in the last pickup shots and the credits, we have all print materials finalized, we have menu systems designed and DVD masters ready to be written, we have all shipping methods figured out, and we're cranking away here at the studio.