When I first saw Quitely's work, I was not a fan. But reading his X-men books, I felt the art and the story REALLY worked well together. I think as comic fans, we get trained to expect the standard comic style, and aren't always prepared to accept something different from that standard, the same-old same-old we see on so many books.
I'm now very fond of Quitely's work. I think its really expressive. He draws a GREAT Emma Frost; I think he's one of the few artists that can really capture the condescending, dis-interested, self-centered Emma that made the character so anti-hero. As much as I'm sure you'll all rip me a new one for saying it: I'm waiting to see that bust in person. Those photos aren't great. But I may buy this bust if it looks like Frank's work. (ducks thrown rotten tomatoes).