best of the have....for my mean green Display.
what you likes she-hulk, that surprises me.
Looks very nice and a the changing in her lawyer clothes is a cool concept; great use of the character. AH! comiquettes are just not my thing so easy pass.
If you look at the control art in the background, looks like there is a Mystique in her white dress holding an AK-47 as well.
yes, i'm guessing we'll see that one next, in say 3-4 months.
Sheulk has always had big hair. My only gripe might be she should be larger since Jennifer towers over other females, yet she appears to be the same height as the other comicquettes.
i agree it would be good to see her a bit more to scale, and at this size it would only mean maybe an inch or so, and still she would of been shorter than say blackcat with her arms stretch up. oh well i'm sure she'll still sell out.
She will look great with the other AH ladies. Now I need to build a bigger display case.
that's what i had addressed earlier in another thread. it would be nice to see an end to the line eventually. say 8-10 pieces that way as collectors we could have a set display and not have to worry about more pieces coming.
not that i wouldn't like to see more AH babes. but eventually Adam may feel like he's needs to put out pieces, rather than wanting to create works of art.
the one to the right is Jennifer Walters; it was Adam's drawing to show Tim Miller how her business suit would have fit on her BEFORE turning into She Hulk.
ah yes, i see that now. thanks
if that's mystique i can't wait to see the final sculpt.
Black Queen looks the best of the bunch.. Then MJ.. Then..
i completely agree, though everyone talks about Emma been the best of the line. thus why she costs so much to get now.

personally i would put MJ ahead of Emma and by the looks of the Black Queen, she may well be the best of the line imo.
not MJ, I think Rogue & Emma look the best
oh great here we go.

let's have a throw down
actually my list from the current 4 releases would be MJ, Rogue, Emma, Black cat, with Black Queen i'm sure after release near the top.
Looks awesome!
I do believe my twin brother will be ordering that
when the time comes.
Any idea when it'll be up for sale?
well this weeks additional sneak peak

still won't count as an official announcement, so at the earliest if the put it up in the newsletter next week, then we may have a PO in 2 weeks. i personally would like to see a lower es PPO for this one. now that would be some excitement ehh
I <3....pure cheesecake

...I'm dissapointed she's not posing like Marilyn


....oh, well!..beggars can't be choosers!...I'm hoping this ships next year because I just don't have the economic might to purchase multiple SS pieces this year!
doubt it, unless they take a month or two to put it up for PO, mostly it'll come in late 3rd or somewhere in the 4th quarter. but hell who knows with things coming early to arriving 6 months late aka: IM 1:1 bust.
You guys are hard..This is a totally awesome statue.The pose, the expression, the clothing, the attitude is all very reminiscent of the covers of her last comic book serie (wich is over now).I rarely buy non- Hulk statues anymore but this one is simply perfect.Cant wait to order her.
couldn't agree more, this piece can't really even be compared to the likes of Emma, BQ, MJ for raw sexiness. i mean it's She-hulk for petes sake. she's big and muscular. i think Adam put a good spin on her, kinda down the middle of the line, showing us some of the sexiness with an edge of don't screw with me attitude and light heartness with her been all embarrassed.
if that makes any sence.
OMG, that's just to funny. 80's flashback anyone.
Bodie, Black Cat, She-Hulk, MJ, Rogue then Emma
OMG Emma in last place. oh man this is going to start something now.
I agree that she's perfect, I love Shulky and this is everything I could've hoped for!
I thought about the purple underneath, but this seems to be more of a accidental transformation that caught her off guard while dressed in her civilian clothing.
I like that, a subtle purple not a Barney the Dinosaur purple. Can't wait to have this beauty in my hands!
yeah, to much purple makes your poop green.